Title: Sweet, Vonage
Fandom: JAG
Characters: General (Harmon Rabb/Sarah Mackenzie)
Prompt: # 74 - Dark
Word Count: 311
Rating: PG
Info: Harm/Mac, future drabble - romance, fluff, humor
A/N: I know, me writing humor and fluff in one setting, WTF? Nevertheless, every time I see that commercial, I think of Renee. And if I can think of Renee and grin sadistically, then surely Mac can too. Thus, I present fluff.
Sarah MacKenzie snickered quietly at a late night television ad for Vonage with a bleached out blonde excitedly proclaiming sharks to be dolphins and gleefully attempting to join them. There was definitely something amusing to the concept, in a slightly twisted way. Then again, maybe it wasn't so irrational after all. The past few years, she'd grown to dislike blondes quite a bit, Harriet excused. And so it didn't take too much imagination to place another bleach-blonde in the place of the woman on television, which made her giggle softly into the darkness.
Yes, it was a little vindictive, and rather childish too, but it was all in good fun. Besides, she'd gotten her guy, hadn't she?
A drowsy voice from somewhere in the vicinity of the head resting on her stomach broke into her reverie.
"Mac? Whassofunny?"
If she wasn't already amused, his sleep slurred words would've gotten to her. As it was, she had already broken out in another bright grin.
"Mmm, nothing Harm, just.. thinking about old friends."
He seemed to take a moment to ponder that, not much more aware than he had been a few seconds ago, and she doubted he'd remember this conversation in the morning anyhow.
“Sleep, flyboy.”
Receiving a string of nonsensical syllables and something that resembled an ‘I love you,” she switched the TV off and curled into him, sighing contentedly. Two years together and he still made her feel like everything was okay just by being there like this, in moments of normalcy she used to think didn’t exist except in movies. Times like these were when all the problems they’d had getting here faded off into the distance, seeming more like a not so pleasant dream than reality.
He draped an arm over her, and she drifted off to sleep with a soft smile on her face.
Sweet Vonage, indeed.
the table: