[ ...fffff. For this, there must be a journey into the great beyond. Uh. Living room. Stay in your little corner, kid, he'll just be casually walking in and sitting on the couch. ]
Oi oi, and who was giving you crazy ideas like that?
[ ...angry shrimp is angry. Usopp is marvelously amused on the inside, if he can (and he is damn good at this) deny the semi-guilty part. Way to fracture a brain, though. ]
Ohhh. That would explain it, yeah. [ Ah, another storytime. How best to put it... ] I don't think I hear anyone but grown up you do that kind of thing.
[ A-aww. ] Kind of. But so are the rest of us; and mostly it's just being different. And being different is like being normal, with all of us and Luffy together, so it's not a bad thing.
It looks like it makes you happy, so we don't really ask you to stop.
Oi oi, and who was giving you crazy ideas like that?
... Me.
Ohhh. That would explain it, yeah. [ Ah, another storytime. How best to put it... ] I don't think I hear anyone but grown up you do that kind of thing.
It looks like it makes you happy, so we don't really ask you to stop.
But if I'm doing it, that must mean girls like it.
Ah...it can be hard to tell. Girls are like that.
If they didn't like it, I think some of them would have hit me by now... then. [He's not gonna pay any attention to the screwed up time line]
[ Debating asking...debating...cannot fight mother hen instincts- ]
Y-you're still not feeling sick from being out at night like that, right?
Fine. I wasn't sick anyway.
[the matter of Nami's health makes him hesitate, as he is worried. His irritability won't change that] She's gonna get better soon anyway.
Of course she is. Nami always gets better.
Good. She's worrying everyone.
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