[Well, that was an exciting night. Sanji's in for an exciting morning too, whenever the drugs run through her system and she finally confronts her crew. If she knew the truth in store for her, she'd willingly trip into something and net a concussion strong enough to put her in a coma.
Unfortunately, she's completely unaware. And when she does find
Read more... )
Xion considers this entry for a while, thoughtful. maybe she can go for the "that voice is familiar" angle...
And maybe this will seem like she's guessing too quickly -- but how else can she do it? ]
... S... Sanji? Is that you?
Last night was full of distant memories she'll sort out for later.]
Xion-chan? [It's said with an excited lift despite the voice being a bit low... for a woman.]
You're back? About time the shitheads returned you!
Mmhmm! Two days ago. They didn't even hurt me. Just stuck me out in the woods. [ thbbbpt. ] How are you?
And... what a question. She nearly says "I'm fine" before wondering if she can say that much on good authority. Is she the best judge?]
I feel fine, Xion-chan! Just a little tired. [And woman, according to everyone]
You too? It was freezing out there! Did the crew come find you?
[ a little smile ] Yeah, I bet. They even left me there in that... do you remember that outfit my older self was wearing when she showed up? That! I had to build a fire to keep warm and everything.
And now tiny smirk that turns into a big, displeased frown]
Just in that? That's no fuckin way to treat a lady. [Just wait until she gets kidnapped again.]
It wasn't too far from the village, was it?
You didn't even have shoes?! That's terrible! I'm glad Usopp was there...
[ a pause, then a wry sort of hum ] Weeeeeeell.... actually, I woke up next to the western lake.
Sanji, I'm okay! Really! It wasn't too bad. Two friends came and got me pretty quickly. [ .... quickly being like ... two hours ... but still! ]
They damn well had better. [brushes some of her hair back] Let me guess - Riku-kun?
But the question makes her pause, and then her expression dims, the smile disappearing in favor of something forlorn. Riku isn't a happy thought right now, and... thinking about how unhappy and awkward she would have felt if it was Riku who had come to get her is pretty sobering.
Then she thinks of who did get her, and a softer, more private smile crosses her features. Realizng she's been quiet for a good minute, she pipes back up. ]
No. Luke did... and another friend of mine named Jale.
Luke and Jale? [She makes note of which name came first, hiding her own smile. Though she's more than ready to perk a brow up accusingly]
Never heard of this Luke fellow before.
I guess it just never occurred to me.... we've become really close recently. When he heard where I was he ran out of his house so fast to come get me he forgot a jacket! [ she laughs ] He's really sweet.
Maybe I should meet this Luke-kun of yours.
But not enough, just yet, to make her worry. Once she really starts getting it... she won't sound this happy.
That gets her to blink, though. ]
... you think so? [ but he's just a friend... ] Well, if you wanted to, I could bring him by the restaurant, maybe.
[... with some candles here and there. Maybe flowers. Situated in a nice corner of the place. Nothing special.]
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