[There's a menace prowling around your forests and your town, Luceti.
Well, not a menace, per se, but the feline stalking through the streets and the trees is in a lousy mood. It's no house cat, either, ranging longer than four feet if you don't count the long tail swishing angry patterns through the air.
Rather odd coloring, though - a bright blond with blue eyes. Er. Eye. The left one is forever closed, despite there seeming to be nothing wrong with it.
And it's making its way to House 6. Irritably. Because shit, it is allowed to sulk at this point.]
[ooc: Most responses will come from
all_blue_feline o/ Details
Housemates and guests, feel free to gawk at the kitty barging its way into the house. 8|
And my internet has been terrible. Sorry, but expect slow responses]