[After beingtakenhome, sleeping until the afternoon of the 12th, and then staying relatively somber and quiet until the morning of the 13th
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[aside from everyone having their own kind of step, you are possibly the only other person (town is irrelevant, he's never there) who always smells like cigarette smoke 8| ]
[the thanks gets an "mmph" that may or may not be a "you're welcome, I understand that was unavoidable that time, but please refrain from getting yourself hacked up in the near future-- then again, why am I even asking, you're going to do it again anyway"]
....that's good to hear. [looking up now to give Sanji a very keen glance.
Well, Ginko is in the forest. Sitting on a fallen tree with the express purpose of interrupting your walk 8| reading a book.]
In fact, he's debating if he can slip off without Ginko seeing him.]
[Ginko doesn't look up.]
How's your shoulder?
[aside from everyone having their own kind of step, you are possibly the only other person (town is irrelevant, he's never there) who always smells like cigarette smoke 8| ]
Heh, I can move the damn thing now. [even gives it a roll as he grounds to a very restless stop]
... Thanks.
....that's good to hear. [looking up now to give Sanji a very keen glance.
You've been through a lot lately.]
There are a lot of reasons to keep walking. Just as many reasons to stay put, too. It makes knowing what to do a gamble.
And they're being watched.
A pause... and he walks forward. Ten minutes, so let's get this over with, Ginko]
How's everything else? [that isn't your shoulder. You're emotional wellbeing, for example.]
[No, Ginko. Not yet.]
He flips the book in his hand and leans back a little.]
I'd hope so. [You know that's not what I meant. So what now.]
He takes a seat next to the stump, leaning back against it. Means he can't face Ginko while he talks, but that's alright]
So. What're you reading?
Mm. Book about parasites from another continent in my world. [can you feel the subdued 8D ?]
This is the first time I've seen you with a book. Did you now just discover the library?
....I'd probably never leave if I stayed too long. [That and.... certain Other Reasons for him to be there often have since ....gone home.]
I'm still working through it.
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