Feb 19, 2007 01:26

Power Pimps
Sore Losers
Gold Diggers
Living Cheese
Brownie Hounds
Empty Promises
Control Freaks
False Prophets
Educated Idiots
Cold Comforters
Publicity Whores
Uncaring Cruelty
Publicity Whores
Pathetic Cowards
Selective Neglect
Shameless Sellouts
Cruelty On Purpose
The "REAL" Culprit
Idiots (on purpose)
90+ % Country Music
Willing Conformists
Givers of False Hope
Blatant Indifference
Intentional Debasers
Misleading Disciples
Deliberate Ignorance
Dishonest Messengers
Blatant Indifference
Insignificant Posers
Mickey Rourke Bashers
Greedy Demolitionists
Those REALLY In Charge
Self-Absorbed Assholes
Presidential Interruption
Self-Absorbed MEtrosexuals
Bitches (of any/all genders)
War (But Support The Troops)
Pots that Call Kettles Black
Overwhelmingly Jealous People
The REALLY Desperate "Housewives"
Those who BUY their way up to top
Phantoms with "somethingS" to hide
Those who will not help themselves
Liars who call honest people "liars"
Dead-Beats (the world owes you NADA)
Those who SAY a LOT.. and DO NOTHING!
Sluts (at least whores MOVE & get paid)
Card Carrying "Try Too Hard" Club Members
Those who don't "Practice What They Preach"
People who can't handle when others succeed
People who only tell their side of the Story
98% Of the Media/Tabloids/Webloids (same thing)
Those who break-down Good People to the brink of OLS
Those with far too much gall and not near enough guts
People who give standing ovations to classless intervention
People who buy themselves up the food-chain (instead of earning it)
Women (ladies, i respect BUT they are PRECIOUS, FEW and FAR BETWEEN)
People hurt those i care about & love (bother your clones w/ your wrath)
Those who take their WELL-DESERVED grief out on those who clearly do NOT
Being.. betrayed, lied/about, falsely accused, stabbed in the back, used
Those Who Intentionally Hurt and Degrade Good, Honest, Hard-Working People
Those who always SAY they have integrity, diginity, class, and intelligence.
NEWSFLASH: IF you DO, you don't have to SAY so. odds are, it's a given! ..or NOT!)
ONE PERSON in particular.. (YOU Know EXACTLY Who YOU Are AND Why) how can you sleep?
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