Apr 14, 2005 14:27
Page number: 15~ 40
Book title : The Phantom of the Opera
Rating : 8
Will you continue reading?
- No
- I want know who is the phantom, so I read all stroy today.
Summarize what you read in five to ten sentences.
-Ond day a letter also arrived for the young Vicomte Raoul. After that, Christine met Raoul and they walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time. She explained the secret of phantom.
The opera house had a big accident. The famous chandelier broke away from its ropes and cashed down on to the people below. Christine told about phatom to Raoul, the phantom is Erik who has very ugly face. He want woman's love and finally he achieve Christine's kiss. Finally he is dead, and Christine and Raoul leave Paris.
What is your favorite part?
- He took me across the lake in a boat to his house, said Chiristine.
Were there any interesting ideas or events?
- Erik has very ugly face and he was clever man.
What are some questions you have for the text?
- Why she left England? Where was she going?
Do you have any answers for your questions last week? What are they?
- I don’t have any questions.
Vocabulary journal
- Chandelier : 샹들리에(천장 장식)
A chandelier is a large, decorative frame which holds light bulbs or candles and hangs from the ceiling.
- torture : 고문, 고문하다
If you say that something is torture or a torture, you mean that it causes you great mental or physical suffering.