application || polychromatic

Jul 19, 2009 21:29

[nick / name]: Lynn
[personal LJ name]: [info]elwhyenen
[other characters currently played]: N/A
[AIM / messenger]: x elwhyenennn /

[series]: DOGS: Bullets & Carnage
[character]: Badou Nails
[character history / background]:

It isn't established yet on the whereabouts of Badou's parents before or after his birth but he grew up with his brother and depended on him as a source of food, shelter, comfort and family. This isn't to say his life was sheltered, Badou was exposed to all sorts of things while growing up given the nature of the area he resided in. Smoke, guns, fights and brawls were a common occurrence and although it's unsure what had happened to his brother it seems plausible to assume that it resulted in the eventual scarring of Badou's palm and the development of his disabled eye.

After a turbulent childhood, Badou picked up a job as a private investigator and took on any assignment including freelance journalism, photography and even offered his services as gun for hire as a source of income whenever the chance came along. He provided for himself as best he could and with his loud, boisterous nature, eventually made several acquaintances including Mimi, a woman who grew to become his first partner/confidante who also indulged in some private investigation of her own.

Eventually he crossed roads with Haine, and the two of them worked surprisingly well together in their few plights to free children from genetic, mutation experiments held in the darker parts of town, all while Badou continued to scrimp and save all the money he could to get by. The two of them share a shaky friendship, strengthened mostly by their convenient partnership and mutual respect. Having known much about the underground and how the darker groups of people in that part of the city work, Naoto sought him and Haine out for information regarding a certain someone in her past. The trio eventually found themselves entangled in a mess of data, each and every piece relevant to their memories and lives.

[character abilities]:

Badou is rather skilled with guns of all types but he favors and has the most amount of experience with his Mac-10 machine guns. His lanky frame provides for quick movement and with all the shit-jobs he takes, those stick legs and bursts of speed are probably what keep him alive.

He's forced to be good at what he does when he handles a gun considering he gets shot at and mauled whenever possible but the case becomes something else entirely when he's pissed and without any bit of nicotine.

As the dedicated chain-smoker he is, Badou faces severe withdrawal symptoms when there isn't a cigarette in arms reach on a constant, daily and routinely basis. To put it bluntly, when supply doesn't meet demand, the shit hits the fan. Not to say that he becomes something of a steroid maniac but it brings out the more crazier, rabid side of the smoke-obsessed redhead which commonly directly results in raging, blowing things up, explosives, and other kinds of madness until he is well sedated.

Another odd quirk about Badou is his surprising amount of skill when it comes to domestic chores such as sewing and repairing clothes. He was forced to learn how to fix the tattered clothes of his own and of his brother's while growing up and so he acts creepily professional about the whole ordeal and process. His cooking skills however are still unknown and unlesss they are proven to be safe, remain best untested.

[character personality]:

Growing up in the conditions he had, Badou has a different way of approaching difficult problems.

And by word of mouth his interpretation of "different" encompasses but does not strictly abide to: screaming, whining, complaining, bouts of pessimism and negativity, tears, foul language, uncontrollable sobbing and so on and so forth.

He also drops cusswords like nobodys business.

But behind all the cursing and general sarcastic, angry, shitty behavior, Badou is probably one of the nicest guys around. He has a genuine heart and cares for his friends, as few as they might be. His loud and talkative nature provide for good comic relief and from the kind of shady area where he lives, it comes in handy more often than not. He also has a bit of a soft spot for family due to his attachment to his own brother, but he'd rather not show that. It goes without saying that Badou can be a bit secretive about matters regarding his past and those are the type of things he'd refrain from sharing unless he had to, or unless he honestly trusted someone enough to want to.

Most and almost all of Badou's moods are dependent on his tobacco-intake, meaning he could be ready to streak around the block naked six hundred times or take out his pair of Mac-10's and take aim if desperate enough.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Most recent manga release, chapter 41. Shortly after he gets shot at.

app, ooc

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