The only problem with drinking
pina-colada-flavoured tea first thing in the morning is getting
the song as an earworm...
Here's the finished baby soaker:
I'm really proud of this effort, not least because of the new knitting skills I learned making it - Kitchener grafting (which is basically sewing two pieces of active knitting together so they're seamless) and making an i-cord (knitting a cord in the round). I don't knit so much, so when I do something that works well first time around I'm quite chuffed with myself!
Dali's favourite trick at present is smiling - he started smiling in response to P or I smiling at him, and now it's really taken off. He'll smile off his own bat now, and I think he's getting the link between "facial rictus" and "feeling good". Sometimes it spirals out of control though: I'll smile at me, he'll smile back at me, so I'll smile more at him, then he'll start beaming and kicking out his legs and arms in glee, and I'll just have to look away because the adorableness is just too intense :)
We set up D's cot on the weekend, and it looks pretty damn fine, if I do say so myself. Took us a lot longer to finish painting than expected, what with me having to be on bed rest and stuff, and I only got time to do the octopus on the end when Dali was about 2 months old! But here it is in all its cephalopodic glory: