I am interested in changing the colors of this layout. Quite interested indeed. I think I will do that after this post.
Finished that.
I thought this was my most creative and well done out of all the PS portraits, but it got the least feedback out of all of them. Maybe everything I like most is actually my worst stuff! OH NO. SKEWED PERCEPTION. I still like the mushrooms.
This is the current one I'm working on. Moneeey. :|
If you guys have a Facebook account and would like to help spread the word that I'm doing these commissions, I would greatly appreciate it. Share
this note (which you have to be logged in to see), and that's it! Also feel free to
add that account. I've created it for networking, since I want to keep my personal account more private from now on.
Anyway, enough plugging! On to the other stuff I've been doing. umm. Not much sadly. I've been writing more, and kind of oddly ill. Hopefully that will pass soon and I can get back to..work?!
Grey's parents. I think E.D. looks a bit older than Henry, but I'm fine with that since she has a more stressful job and does a lot more work than he does. Technically. Haha. Not that he's lazy, she's just a workaholic, a trait she passed on to her son.
Okay, so if any of you have seen
Imogen Heap's huge ass hair you will see where I got the inspiration from Cosette. I'm thinking Cosette is an extremely vain woman and takes a minimal of 2 hours per day to work on that hair. I didn't get it quite right, but I'm not whining. She'll probably have a different style each time she shows up anyway. She's Lennie's mortal ENEMY FOREVAR. Basically, she's actually a decent person (aside from the vanity and judgmental reasons as to why she hates Lenore), unless she and Lenore are in the same room and then it is just...hsss.
Her brother, I already love. Baron is Grey's BFFTA man. They met in academy at a young age and Baron knew he was gay way back then and was very clingy as a friend. Grey never really pushed him off or told him to stop, and this led Grey's parents to think he might be gay, which is another reason they placed Lenore in her current position. But yeah. Baron is totally adorable, I think...and he was going to be a doctor, and he's really quite intelligent, but his father told him to pretty much straighten up and fly right and you know..STOP BEING GAY, so he was like FUCK YOU and left school and now he just gets by somehow (I haven't decided yet. I didn't want to make him a prostitute since he has a boyfriend now ;3;) I'm thinking his mother has something to do with this, and gives him an allowance because she loves her baby boy! (even though her kids are twins. whatever!) But yeah, he is still totally flirtatious with Grey out of habit and he's just an affectionate friend. I think at one point he hated Lenore because she was seen as a threat, but now he's like OMG YOU HAVE SUCH AWESOME SHOES and she's like I KNOW LETS BE FRIENDS so yeah....haha I don't know and this is TMI for a sketch blog. :|
Those things by their names written out by their heads (or initials in Baron's case) are me practicing their signatures...because I'm a dork like that.
I've been writing out character sheets on my personal journal under a writing filter so some of you might already know this information, but this is even MORE. So...uh..yay. *shuts up*