Alright everyone, get ready for the imminent appearance of the Sign-Up post, but for now, I have a boon to ask of you!
One of our ideas on expansion this year centered on how to bring the OWC into the real world. Someday, I’d like to have an office and writing meetings and all those good things that NaNoWriMo has. But how to start that process?
Fliers! Real, honest to God, fliers! We have a file for you to download from the linked Mediafire account, both .docx and .pdf, that you can print out and paste around your school, your Starbucks, your library, on random street corners, on the faces of passersby…
I’ll be taking a handful of these fliers with me to San Francisco later today, and hopefully I can get a picture of me putting one up to prove to everyone that I did!
In any case, if you don’t want to, you certainly don’t have to. But we really hope you do. And we really hope there are pictures. =) UDATE: Alright, no pictures of me posting anything - I forgot my camera. But, photo of me holding a flier, prominently featuring my Watchmen poster, and a photo of me and my mother as a bandit.