Title: Hannah and Lee in the Snow (Chapter 7 Scene)
Entry Number: 10
latemarch Fandom: Original
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 1063
Author's Note: For my last 1000 word entry I decided to do a little warm up to get ready for NaNoWriMo this year. Last year I wrote the first half of my second novel and this year I'll be writing the second half of it! This novel is the sequel to the one that I wrote two years ago - some of you may remember it because I had a couple of entries featuring Pam and Camlin, and of course the wonderful Jaimie. This novel starts a week after that one ends, and Pam and Camlin and Jaimie are background characters. Hannah and Lee entered in the first book, and now this is their installment. Hannah is a super shy, sub- werewolf who's being semi-courted by super-stoic Lee, and in this scene Lee gets a little taste of happiness.
- - here's the end of the previous chapter so you know what's going on - -
Deeply warmed by the much more comfortable, silent companionship Lee and I had entered into, I hardly sensed it when someone advanced through the back of the house and out onto the broad back porch with us. Letholdus must have felt something, but as he didn’t appear concerned at all, I would have felt stupid reacting to the vulnerability of my back to an unknown factor. Just at the last second, I caught a scent on the wind and realized who our intruder was, exactly, and relaxed.
Of course, that was a mistake.
Chapter Seven
- - begin entry 10 - -
A wet, mushy snowball hit the back of my neck, and the majority of it proceeded to slide down the back of my shirt and into my pants.
I shrieked and leapt off of the porch and ran a few yards, ending up wobbling unsteadily in the snow and whipping around just in time to see another snowball hit my abdomen, and a third slam into the back of Letholdus’ head. He jumped out to meet me, trying to shake the snow out of his hair and shirt while simultaneously attempting to block me from any more attacks. What a gentleman. Leaning around him while he brushed at his hair, I scanned the deck and found the object of my search.
Jaimie, crouching behind a deck chair and laughing so loudly that we could hear him clearly, even from far way. I could see the outline of his shoulders shaking and the way his long, loose hair skittered down his back with each roar of laughter. “I got you guys!” He called out to us, except that he was laughing so hard that he could hardly speak.
I glanced at Letholdus, hoping to gauge his reaction, and it was clear that he was miserable. His hair was damp and dark blonde with melting snow, and he shoved it forward until it was plastered to his forehead as he ran fingers through his hair. He was jerking at the back of his shirt, plastered wet to his skin, and I thought I heard a very slight, near petulant growl slip out from between his lips. “Jaimie!” His voice was indignantly rough.
“All’s fair in love and war.” Was the slightly more coherent reply as Jaimie rolled across the deck and then crawled to hide behind another chair with a better vantage point.
“Jaimie!” Letholdus half-turned to face me, his lips clenched and his eyes dark, with a clump of snow melting into his eye. “Are you alright, Hannah?” He asked me, very seriously, as a fourth snowball hit his shoulder.
The fifth snowball missed me, by virtue of the fact that I was doubled over laughing when it sailed over my head. I’d never laughed so hard in my life, holding both hands over my mouth as if was afraid that I was doing something illegal. My bare feet were freezing in the snow and I was windblown and shivering, but there was some small sun shining on me and I was laughing.
Before I could stop myself, my hand was in the snow and I was scooping up a loose handful for myself, and lobbing it at the back porch. It was a pitiful throw, not landing anywhere close to my target, and fell in a sad arc across the yard like a badly skipped stone. My brother would have been ashamed of me, but Jaimie was cracking up with me, collapsing back against the house with one hand flat against the screen door and the other on his chest. While I knelt jelly-legged in the snow, we made quite a pair.
Unable to stop, no matter how I tried, it just felt so good, so freeing to allow myself the spontaneity. “I’m - I’m just - just fine.” I told Letholdus, voice splitting as my sides began to ache.
But Letholdus wasn’t laughing, didn’t appear to be reacting at all, in fact. Straightening myself out with cold, red hands, I could only hope that he wouldn’t be too critical of my outburst, because I was feeling far too unapologetic for my own good at the moment. Far too unapologetic, especially for a submissive.
Letholdus wasn’t critical at all though - he was something else entirely, something I wasn’t sure how to react to. His face had relaxed, and he was staring at me with eyes that had suddenly bubbled liquid silver and cinder, while a growing wind brought bright red life to his cheeks. I saw the way he swallowed and appeared near reverential for a moment, and wondered what he was looking at.
There was hardly any warning before his cold hand was in my hair as his knees indented the snow and he pressed his lips against mine, at first chaste, but still a promise. I was faintly responding as fire blew through the sum of my parts, placing a hesitant hand on his bicep and clenching my fingers there until he groaned and moved even closer. Letholdus paid particular attention to my lower lip as he ran his tongue over it, and then held it a beat longer between his own lips.
With a ragged breath, he reared back just enough to look down on me and I was startled to see how such simplicity had rent him to the bones of his control. Again, he raised a hand, though this time it was only to run the backs of his fingers along the length of my jaw and the lower line of my mouth.
“Hannah, you are-“ But he cut himself off for a moment, biting off a bit of sentiment at the end, struggling with himself. Letholdus was responding so slowly, I was afraid he’d never finish the sentence, but I knew that I hoped he would say. “You are-“
But he stopped again, apparently heeded by some immovable object and Jaimie was loudly clearing his throat as he rearranged his long hair. I was disappointed at the unfinished thought, yet Letholdus looked, not happy, but near enough to it. Like our kiss had brought to bear some sort of relief for him.
“Let us go inside, before this weather darkens even further.” And he began to walk towards the house, while I slogged through the snow to catch up with him. It wasn’t a particularly long walk, but I was reminded within feet that I had neglected shoes earlier in the afternoon. Snow was sticking between my toes as I slipped along, and felt the sting of shallow cuts on the bottom of my feet. They weren’t life-threatening, certainly, nor were they particularly painful - they’d just be a continual irritant until they healed over.
“Oh lord have mercy and goodness gracious me.” Jaimie said, fanning himself as we approached the house. He held open the back door for us in anticipation and waited as patiently as he was capable of for us to hurry up and get inside.
- - end entry 10 - -
So yeah, that's it! I'm done with the first ten! *feeling accomplishment*
I'd be happy to explain the plot a little bit more, as this is a very tiny slice of the novel, if anyone is confused. And here are the links to the entries that featured the first novel, just so you can see the difference in characters/just in case you're curious!
Entry 01 2011 Entry 04 2011 Entry 07 2011 Entry 08 2011 Entry 09 2011