Entry 06: Over and Under

Oct 22, 2013 14:56

Title: Over and Under
Entry Number: 06
Author: mihnn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: NC17
Genre: Romance/Smut/Humour
Spoiler Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1056

Hermione had been sitting at her desk, sighing at the sheer workload she had to get done when her husband barged into her office in a right panic.

“He’s really mad this time, Hermione.”

She then proceeded to watch her husband shut the door and lean against it tiredly.

Hermione rolled her eyes calmly despite how agitated he seemed. “What did you do this time?”

His eyes widened as he eyed her incredulously. “What makes you think I had something to do with it?”

Raising a mocking eyebrow at him she asked, “Didn’t you?”

“That… is hardly the point.”

“Ronald Weasley!”

“It was a mistake. It’s not just me, you know. You should be blaming Harry more than me.”

Hermione let out a low breath, surprisingly calm for the problems she knew she would have to face sooner or later. “Is it better than last month’s incident or worse?”

His brows scrunched together in confusion. “Hang on. What happened last month?”

“Don’t tell me you forgot. The Golden Snitch? You found the one Snitch in the world that was made out of goblin gold and you and Harry decided to play Quidditch with it? Do you remember the amount of objects it cursed including your brooms?”

As Ron was about to answer, a deep voice was heard talking to Hermione’s secretary outside. Before Hermione could say anything more, Ron was suddenly beside her with wild eyes. “Move over.”

“What?” Hermione screeched. “I’m not helping you. You always get yourself into these type of predicaments and then you expect me to fix it. I’m not fixing it now. You can handle it yourself.”

With a huff of frustration Ron scooped her from her chair swiftly-an act that she should not have found attractive because he was being barbaric about it-before shoving her chair back with a swift kick and depositing her unceremoniously on it. Hermione yelped in surprise, just as her husband got on his hands and knees and started crawling under her desk in a very undignified manner. Hermione was just about to give him a piece of her mind when the door suddenly swung open.

“Hermione!” her guest said politely, although his shoulders were tense and his mouth was set in a grim line.

Standing up quickly, Hermione gave him an easy smile. “Minister.” She greeted him politely, thankful that her desk hid her husband. She wondered how loyal she was supposed to be in this marriage when the thought of exposing him tempted her to a ridiculous amount.

“You haven’t happened to see your husband recently, have you?”

Hermione’s eyes widened. “My husband?” she asked innocently. “I’m sorry, Kingsley. I haven’t seen him since this morning.” She felt a gentle touch on her ankle and she swiftly kicked his hand off her. If he planned on thanking her, she needed more than a comforting touch.

Kingsley nodded before gesturing towards her desk. “Can we have a quick word?”

“I really can’t…”

“It won’t take long.” Within a few beats, Kingsley Shacklebolt was sitting opposite Hermione, while she seated herself and kicked her husband’s shin to teach him a lesson. His hiss of pain made her feel infinitely better.

“An artefact has gone missing,” he began solemnly. “I’m afraid I suspect Harry and Ron to be behind it.”

Hermione had to feign surprise. It had been so long since she had been amazed by the childish behaviour her best friends were constantly acting out on. “What artefact?”

Kingsley then went to talk about an amulet of rare properties and how it was important that they get it back into the proper hands of the authorities. As Hermione continued to listen on, she couldn’t help but try and kick her husband under the desk for putting her in such a precarious position.

Ron caught each kick with his hands, and knowing how smug his expression probably was by her failed attempts, she tried to be creative only to be thwarted time and again. As if to mock her, her husband slipped off her shoes so that her feet were vulnerable to his tickling exploits.

As Kingley spoke, Hermione squirmed, trying to keep her expression composed as if she was listening, while in reality, she was having a battle with her husband under her desk. She couldn’t help but feel upset by the very idea that she was losing.

When she tried to inflict injury, he threatened her with light brushes where she was most sensitive. When she tried to pull away, he ran his hands up her ankles and calves in a very distracting and teasing manner. Hermione continued to nod along with Kingsley, even as her husband was starting to do things that should never be done at work. She nearly jumped when she felt his lips leave a warm trail from her knee to the inside of her thigh. It was complete madness that made her part her legs so he could have an easier job of it.

Hermione made noncommittal sounds, one that came close to a squeak when she felt his mouth over her knickers and on her. She tried not to wriggle as he sucked and licked, his hands holding her down by the ankles to keep her steady while the slight stubble on his cheeks rubbed against her sensitive skin deliciously. Just as he pushed aside her knickers so that his tongue could touch her flesh without any barriers, Kingsley stood up.

“You’ll tell me once you find him, won’t you, Hermione?” he asked with concern.

Her husband’s tongue moved furiously against her, causing a gasp to escape her, which she disguised as a cough. “Y-yes, Kingsley. I… will.”

He eyed her with confusion, but turned to leave, all the same.

Hermione simply nodded as he left, unable to get up to see him out as she usually did. After the door closed, she collapsed onto the chair and glared at the man between her legs. “Are you mad?”

He kissed her knee before giving her a mischievous grin. “Do you want me to stop?”

Reluctantly, Hermione shook her head. “You owe me for Kingsley, anyway.”

As her husband repaid her with a much-too smug expression, Hermione leant back, closed her eyes and buried her fingers in his hair just as he buried his tongue in her.

fandom: harry potter, 2013, entry 06

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