
Nov 04, 2024 15:32

Vent - You've heard it before. I'm just regurgitating and going off on one as I have before.

Just in case you're curious - no one is aborting their viable, healthy pregnancy at nearly full term. (redundant?)

If you ever hear of somebody having a pregnancy terminated while they're further along, it's usually because the pregnancy is no longer viable.

There's something wrong.
Something has happened.
It is usually soul-crushing information that has brought them to that decision.

This entire topic is one that is kept alive in politics to keep you gripping and on the edge of your seat to vote for corrupt people.

Your politicians, religious leaders and social influencers are misleading you. They are deceiving you.

The argument is never ending.
I can't change anyone's mind. The information is there. The logic and reasoning is there. Ya just have to use it.

I hope you're never in a situation where that choice or option, that care access is no longer available to you.

It's unfortunate that you'd have to be put in that situation, to understand why it's important to keep options and access available.

These are decisions that do not belong to the government. These are decisions that belong within the parameters of a patient and a doctor.
Medical Care must be protected. If you never want that sort of medical care or never need it... great. That should have zero bearing on another's ability to need and access it.

For a party that claims to want smaller government, they certainly don't come off that way with all of their control tactics and legislation.

And the hypocrisy is not lost upon me when it comes to legislation in healthcare that they don't agree with and don't think they need legislated for them.

I can also guarantee you that these people in office are no more Christian than I am, and I'm not Christian at all. Not even a tiny fleck.
The difference between us is that I have a conscience and they do not.

I don't know how humans get to this place where they place all of their trust and faith into politicians or wealthy people.
Cult of personality.
It's just kind of weird to see as someone who just doesn't impress very easily.
Someone who sniffs out bullshit and patterns pretty quickly. I just don't understand.

Anyway, I'm done. There are so many issues to discuss. This one just seems to be a huge one that gets misrepresented so much. That, I had to really say something. If you read the whole thing, thank you. I didn't expect anyone to, but I appreciate that.
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