Jan 12, 2017 10:25
I think I may be having some hormonal issues again. Going to have it checked out before I resort to freaking out. Too much wasted energy if I freak out, then get the information. Hehe. Shit.
Also, going to finally get some sort of therapist that specializes in Asperger's/HFA, ASPD, and PTSD. I need someone that gets it. Not just any old therapist that assumes my processes are run of the mill, text book psych.
Life has been great recently. Trying to be proactive while it's good.
Got my schedule consistent again. That will help a ton! I just have to remind myself that I'm not able to be a spontaneous person. Things feel extremely disorganized and it interferes with my ability to process and focus. So, while spontaneity seems like a great idea and I may be able to pull it off for a little while, it ends up throwing my life into chaos.
So, right now, I'm focusing on the continuation of consistency, planning and preparation. So far, things are improved greatly. Then, obviously, get to a competent and adequate therapist to help me process some of these issues. Because, while I myself am a mental health worker, I am a human being who also needs assistance once in awhile of my own. Which, enables me to help others in my work.