can i take you home? i know it's wrong but i know your type

Jul 26, 2006 09:46



So fuck.

Saturday night Ryan and I met up with Mal at the hookah bar and smoked mango hookah. It was the first time in a long time that I a.) got hit on WITHOUT STEPHANIE THERE TO HELP ME and b.) had a good high from hookah.
After hookah we drove around looking for a Chevron with Mal which ended in us going in a big circle around Queen Anne. We went to Dicks where some creepy ass guy asked for my address and then Mal got a slurpee and dropped us back off by the hookah bar. Then Ryan and I went on a "date" and walked around downtown Seattle and I gave all my change out to the bums and we fought about how Ryan is a bad escort because he never makes any decisions and pretty much broke my nose.
Then we went to Bellevue and we had a pretty serious conversation about when I go back to school and how I would probably give up going to MSU if my entire family wouldn't disown me and I hadn't made some very good friends back there.
Sunday was Beth's going away party. Nothing else happened Sunday, unless you count the fact that I was only awake for about 9 hours because I pretty much went to bed at 8:30 that night.
Monday I had to open, which blew. Then I got ready and met Ryan in Bellevue again and we went to Barnes and Noble for a long time, and then we went to Bellesquare and walked around and ran into Melanie! I think after that is when we left for Kent. We went to Lover's Package in Kent (I liked the one in Bellingham way better) and we went to Quiznos where I got a LETTUCE sandwich. Ryan can vouch for me it was the most lettuce either of us has seen on a sandwich, which is ironic since I fucking HATE lettuce and asked for no lettuce. Oh well. We watched some funny South Park episodes and then we went outside and ended up looking at stars. He offered to take me to Maple Valley so we could see better. The most desirable neighborhood in Kent DOES have a flaw! You can't see the stars very well because of all the streetlights. We saw like 7 shooting stars once we got to a park. I got him to swing on the swings and I got motion sickness like always. Then we went back to the house and fought about watching Constantine and then we watched Matilda and ended up watching the sunrise at fucking 5:30 and then going to bed.
We woke up super late and watched Rocko's Modern Life and then we went back to Bellevue to get my car. He let me pick out a shirt for him to buy because I told him I wished he owned like one dress shirt because he always wears t-shirts and casual button up shirts...with t-shirts under them. I picked out a pretty sexy one and then we went to Sephora where I put make up on for the day since I didn't have any. Then we went to Factoria and went to Red Robin for dinner and I bought a sexy shirt at Old Navy which I can't wait to wear. Then we walked around Factoria and we played the license plate game which has turned into beating each other up while we drive.
I had to take him back to his car in Bellevue, and then I went home. When I got home...I got a phone call from Josh.
Yep. I'm pretty sure all of you know what that means so I will leave it at that.
I just thought I'd update. I need to go make a list of what I need to get done before Sunday when I officially am on vacation :)
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