Feb 19, 2007 18:25
Moody, oh so moody. I don't want to be around anyone at all. I want to just be alone for a bit. Have you ever seen the episode of CSI titled "The Strip Strangler," in which Gil gets suspended from a case because the Sheriff is basically a jerkweed? Yes, that episode. And he goes home to his big empty house with all his Grissom-ish stuff all over, pops on some classical music, and just kind of drifts off into his thoughts? I'm having one of those moments. Like, "okay, I'm not the happiest I've ever been, so I'd like to just be alone for a bit."
And then Catherine barges into his house--"the door was open"--and proceeds to interrupt Quiet Time for Gil. And he tells her that he's "not used to having people in [his] house." I feel like that, too. I'm not used to having people in my house; please leave. (That was a preemptive statement. Let me be.)
I wish winter were over. I've had enough of it. Springtime would be greatly welcome. Time off school would be also. I'm so tired of high school; it's so predictably sickening. The people, anyway. I've had it. And one of my classes. It's just busy work. I'm not having fun. I want to have fun with writing again. I miss reading for the hell of it. And I am deathly sick of scholarships. Just let me go to school, god dammit. Honestly.
I don't want to be around people right now. I crave solitude. Just for a while, the world needs to let me be.