Day 26 - Paranormal Activity 3
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I wasn't going to watch this, but after seeing so many people get MAD at how bad it was, I figured I might as well round out the trilogy.
One of the genius things about this film, is not the film itself. This series happens to be a series people either love or hate with a passion. THOSE are the movies that tend to be successful. Love it or hate it, it gets a buzz going.
I *did* like the first one. I didn't care about the characters, and I highly enjoyed the original ending more, and I disliked the whole "demon/beast" idea. HOWEVER, I'm one of those people who have HAD experiences like portrayed in the movie, so it did scare me. The second one, not so much. Apparently, the filmmakers found a niche, because they did nothing but repeat the formula, which seems to be working as this movie was, I read, had the highest grossing launch of a horror movie.
Am I mad about this movie? No. But I do agree that it is ridiculous. I understand it was "filmed" in the 80's, but the whole "coven" and "witchcraft" angle did nothing more than make me roll my eyes in annoyance. Completely absurd and unbelievable. I watched and saw absolutely nothing of interest in this movie.