Ugh. Spring Break.

Apr 22, 2006 07:51

I'm kind of iffy whether or not I like my Spring Break.
A good thing was that I spent six days with a friend in San Diego,
But the bad thing is that I'm super sick.
Why couldn't I have been sick during school?
I'm such a baby.
My throat is totally killing me.
"To my favorite liar, To my favorite scar, I could have died with you."
Those words could have only be written by a total genius.
And the melody created by another genius.
But yet,
Without the amazing guitar.
And the perfect drum beats.
The song would be nothing.
Nothing at all.
It takes all four of those guys to make the music we love and are addicted to.
If they're was a different person in the bunch I doubt that it would sound the same.
But that's just me.
October Fall is having an effect on me that I couldn't ever expect.
I don't know what or why, but since I've been listening to them,
back in August, I think I've changed.
At least a little bit.
They have a huge in fluence on me.
But I think the band that has had the biggest infuence on me was Fall Out Boy.
I've been writing 100 times better.
And since I've been singing so much to their music my voice has changed.
I can reach notes I've never dreamed on reaching.
But most of all,
Listening to their music has gotten me through so much.
I really can't go into detail what that was,
but just know that the bands I listen to have more of an effect oin me then just think ing their music is cool.
Because it's so much more.
So much more than I even know.
My bare walls have turned into collages of band posters.
My cd player is far overdue for being thrown out.
They arn't just idols that people have like "Paris Hilton" "Nicole Richie" or something ridiculous like that. They have worked HARD to get where they are at.
Not because they're Daddy's are rich either.
They deserve where they're at and maybe even more.
Well, this is the end of my unusually long update.
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