life after graduation

Jun 27, 2009 19:06

is shocking. the opportunity i took to do something with my life has been quite different than i thought it would be. and i still have bills to pay on top of loans to pay off starting in 6 mos. and doctors bills at the moment.

so i am in the backwoods of maine being the head cook of a dance retreat as an intern for the next 2 mos. it took me 3 days to drive here from se ohio. i broke up with my boyfriend before i left town. that was a huge mistake because i am an emotional mess.

my skin has been breaking out horribly for the past year and i just started that hardcore accutane medicine. i have to find a doctor asap to get bloodwork done here but that is quite a chore. stressful.

the accomodations are rustic, which is fine. a little buggy outside, and we have a mouse in our cabin. the other intern is cool, and one more is coming in from mexico tomorrow. the lady who runs this place was a pioneer of a famous modern dance company, her name is ruth, but people call her "reg". the other workers who run this place are CRAZY, and i really feel like i am in the backwoods. no cell service. but internet. and i feel even more lonely than ever. i'm not sure why, besides missing brad, not wanting to be a cook, not wanting to deal with kids, etc etc.

so today we installed a dock in the lake, which was a complicated process. we also installed the sign and giant mail box. it was a big day. tomorrow i go grocery shopping to start preparing meals for this camp WHICH I AM NOT QUALIFIED FOR.

i thought i would come here and it would be peaceful. i could quit smoking cigarettes. but i was wrong. i have felt like crying all day and wish i was back in athens sitting on the couch with my ex-boyfriend eating ice cream and watching the x-files. i hope this gets better, or else i am sneaking out sometime in the middle of the night and will probably be blacklisted from the dance world... which at this point, i'm not even wanting to pursue this career anymore.
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