May 31, 2008 17:28
Choose five series (no peeking before you choose them), list them, and then answer the questions.
1. Death Note
2. Azumanga Daioh
3. Ouran
4. Fruits Basket
1. Which is your favorite series from your list? And why? I love all of them! But probably Azumanga Daioh for the extreme cuteness of it.
2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be? Wow... um... probably Near and Kisa. Together, they'd kill us all with their adorability. Also, they're both kinda quiet and serious...
3. What is one thing you'd like to change about 3's plotline? MOAR CROSSDRESSING TAMAKI PLZ.
4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save? Um... Christie (obviously.) Hell, I'd push Light off a cliff!
5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1? When L died. I just sat around eating cake all day in mourning.
6. Which is your least favorite character of 2? Wow... I love all of them really. It's impossible to hate any AD character. Oh... wait... except Mr. Kimura. Fine. I HATE MR. KIMURIN. I mean Kimura.
7. If the antagonist of 3 were to rape the main character of 1, what would you do? Scream and run away...?
8. What song reminds you of 5? Um... wow, lots of stuff. I can't even THINK of one. Maybe (caution: J-pop reference) "Sea Me" by Olivia....?
9. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about? 1 makes my brain hurt. But I love it. I guess 3 because HELLO. It's PURE COMEDY.
10. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar? Well, Osaka and Tohru are both VERY spaced-out.