Fiiinally pictures from Stephanie's visit! :D :D
I haven't gotten her permission for the ones that include her, but if I think she looks great than she does.
These are all out of order, btw. I just couldn't be bothered with making them chronologically correct. ;)
February 4rd
Erica's birthday! I think we spent most of the day either at Erica's, the mall, or at my mom's.
Holli & I at Waffle House on her last day here
Outside the restaurant at Erica's birthday dinner. My mom looks funny. o_O
February 3rd
This was our biggest fun day! :D
Stephanie at the ~dragonfly~! It's where all the cool kids hang out. (aka us)
On top of the ~dragonfly~! This is also my new favorite picture of me! Mainly because you can't see my face! Wooo!
Stephanie & I on the ~dragonfly~ wing!
This starts the Black Bayou pictures. I decided to hang upside down on these bars. All I can is ....OUCH! It was fun though!
I climbed this rope wall too.
I didn't go much further than this. I started getting all "OMFG THIS IS HIGH"
In a tree.
In a tree again.
Stephanie was HAPPY to see her first bayou. ;)
I was trying to give him a kiss. Whatever. LOL
Stephanie & her new bear friend. Uh huh.
This is actually a kinda decent picture of Holli & I. I look crazy, but it's true sooooo. :)
I really, really like this picture! That's my girls! :)
I really, really like this one toooo! :D
I can't help it. I like this one too!
This is one of those "I can't believe how fat I am" pictures! Oh well.
February 2rd
This was her first night here.
I think this was our first picture together. :)
All three of us on Holli's bed. Rawr.
I just can't help it. Her tongue is just so ...out there.
I think this one sums up that evening. "OMG WTF OH ILU"
Again I don't look prepared for these pictures! lmao
Watching this makes me never want to eat again, but I thought my "no buttcrack" skillz were awesome.
Aaaaand me trying to climb the rope wall. If you look closely you can see when I realized "OMG TIME TO GO BACK DOWN. SCARY" I wish I would have known she was taking video. I would have been braver for everyone to seeee! Ha!
I just wanted a video of us out at Black Bayou. :) I just happened to get Stephanie's dance! Woot!
I'll leave it with a picture of Stephanie & I snuggling. :) :)
It was epic times & I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH! ♥ Seriously. It's an amazing feeling to spend a few days with people that get you and love you no matter what. It's also an amazing feeling to feel so close to someone so quickly. Kinda makes me love my life. ♥