Title: Not Exactly A Catastrophe
Rating: PG
Pairing: Oishi/Shishido
Word Count: 510
Summary: Shishido can't help it, but uh, it doesn't exactly keep it secret.
Author's Notes: I woke up with this running in my head, so I decided to write it because it wouldn't leave me alone. >>; Uh. When the time is right -- when the other muse and its parents are cooperating, I mean -- I'll probably write the sister piece to this. But anywho, enjoy. :D;
The decision to keep their relationship a secret was Oishi's, truth be told; Shishido was under the impression that they would let things run and if their parents found out, they found out, but sometime during the beginning of their relationship, Oishi had made it clear that he was going to keep it a secret for as long as he could help it. Shishido didn't have a problem with that, necessarily, because that was his decision and they usually worked on dissenting opinions anyway, but they did agree that since they rarely felt the need to kiss -- let alone do other things -- that this probably wasn't something they needed to worry about in the near future.
However, neither of them knew that Shishido's somewhat secret penchant for cuddling would be their ultimate downfall.
In his defense, Shishido never really knew that he was cuddling; he kind of just...did it. And seeing as Oishi never complained -- "Why would I complain about you wanting to cuddle? Isn't that kind of counter-productive to the whole 'us being together' thing?" -- Shishido just thought that it was a nice thing to do...that and Oishi was probably the best counter-cuddler ever since he always managed to make them both comfortable, no matter how twisted their bodies or limbs were. But that's besides the point.
Now, Shishido's mom usually avoided the room the boys were located in, not because she knew of any said cuddling going on, but because she was very conscious of the fact that her son was sixteen and to have parents loitering around was the epitome of being 'uncool' at that age. However, in her defense, the living room was centrally located and otherwise neutral territory and to cuddle there just wasn't very smart if they were trying to keep it hush-hush. Shishido had no rebuttal for this except, "We could have just been sitting really close!" and his mother just stared at him as if he were sort of stupid. His older brother, who decided to join in on the fun after spending the rest of the day day doing nothing, called him stupid outright. Shishido glowered at them both and left the kitchen in a flurry of school tie and Hyoutei jacket. His mom made pasta that night for dinner, her way of saying that she was just giving him a hard time for not telling her sooner, and everything was okay bar his older brother's snide comments every now and then.
Oishi couldn't help but laugh when Shishido relayed the events the next day at lunch and he shook his head, laying back on the grass. He draped an arm over his eyes to shield out the bright noontime sun until a shadow fell over him and, risking blindness, Shishido peeked out from behind his arm and saw Oishi shifting so his back was blocking the sun for him instead. Shishido found a better use for his hand, anyway, as he reached down and found Oishi's with it, squeezing lightly.