Title: Mind The Weather: Introduction
Rating: PG - whatever.
Pairing: eventual Oishi/Shishido
Word Count: 474
Warnings: AU, semi-crack.
Summary: A lot can change in a year.
Author's Notes: Uh...the intro to the model AU I planned due to Yuutan's constant vigilance. >:| I am never going to get any schoolwork done.
Shishido hated the winter.
He hated how cold it was and it could get. He hated how he could never go outside without bundling up in eight layers, earmuffs, a hat, a scarf and gloves. He hated how dark it could get at such an early time, and worst of all, he hated how despite the weather, people never stopped going out at strange hours of the night, partying, as was evident when a group of men, maybe a little older than him, stumbled out the doorway of a karaoke bar, drunk, loud, and too annoying for Shishido's tastes.
He got even more annoyed when one of them -- a short, loudmouthed redhead -- stumbled into him, stepping on his new, Italian leather winter boots. Shishido's eye twitched.
"Do you know how expensive these are? They're not even on the market yet!" Shishido seethed. The redhead, at this point, was clinging onto one of this friends for support and he turned to glare at Shishido, perfectly cut and angled hair swaying about his face.
"And I can see why. They're ugly." He paused. "You are, too."
Before Shishido could waylay into this guy -- no one called him ugly, ever -- the redhead's friend pulled him away a little bit. "Gakuto, come on. Just say sorry and we'll get you home."
"Will you come home with me, 'ichiroh?" The redhead named Gakuto drawled, attaching himself to his companion and unknownst savior. The rest of the group just watched, amused. Shishido didn't think this was so funny.
"Ahaha...Gakuto, you're drunk. Now come on, say sorry." The green-eyed male easily scooped Gakuto up in his arms, but when Gakuto wouldn't say anything, he said it for him. "He's sorry, really. Just a little drunk. so he's more belligerent than usual."
"Clearly." Shishido huffed, but before he could bring up the issue of his scuffed new boots, voices from the side called out to them.
"Oi, Oishi! You got Mukahi, let's go!" Oishi turned to give Shishido one last look, bowed in apology, then ran off, catching up to his friends, redhead passed out and jostling in his arms.
Even when Shishido was getting ready for bed a few hours later, he couldn't shake the annoying feeling in the back of his mind. Outside, snow was starting to fall in heavy flakes, and he knew that if it kept up and stuck to the ground, his photoshoot the next day would be canceled, and he'd been banking on this to start getting him more jobs. Shishido went to bed, eye twitching and legs kicking, overly restless.
He woke up to find the snow still falling, a thick layer of snow on the ground outside, and a message from the magazine, saying that the shoot was canceled.
God, he hated winter.