Feb 27, 2011 22:23
So, in about a week I'll have finished the three month workout on the EA Sports Active thing, and I'm thinking that I deserve a reward of some kind for sticking it through. Not sure what to get though. Even though I'd like an iPad, I don't think working out for three months is worth the *huge* chunk of cash I'd have to drop to get one. Besides, even if the new iPad came out next week, I'd still want to wait a month for any issues to shake themselves out. I had also heard that the SD slot didn't make it into this version of the iPad. Apparently, they want to make the thing so thin that you can slice bread with it so an SD slot was out of the question, so I may just wait for the next iteration. Maybe I'll treat myself to some pins.
Going into the last week, however, has been rough in terms of exercising. For once thing, I'm pretty sure that the software is not counting things properly for the really fast exercises, like the stride jumps. In that I keep count and it seems to be dropping about 7-10 reps that I do. The slower exercises are more accurate with the reps, but I suppose that's to be expected.
Another aspect of the whole exercise thing that I find less than stellar is the pulse measurement. I'm not sure if I'm wearing the pulse rate unit improperly, but when I run my pulse rate according to the program suddenly drops for no good reason, even though I'm still gasping for air as I exercise. I guess it's how I hold my right arm because experimentation shows that the pulse rate stays high if I leave that arm in a straight up and down position. It's weird.
Finally, I don't feel like I'm improving anymore. The exercises are still rough and I find that the temptation to skip exercises is increasing. I guess I've improved as much as I can with exercise alone and I'm going to have to look at my diet in order to start feeling better again. I suppose the stress could also be a factor, but I don't really know how to relax. I was kind of hoping getting healthier will help with the whole stress thing.