Call it insomnia or whatever the fuck you want.

Jun 01, 2005 05:21

it's 5:21am and I can't sleep. This fucking sucks. Actually, I prolly COULD sleep NOW. Bleh. So now I'm faced with this decision: Go to sleep now and wake up around 11am? I'd feel like I completely wasted my day when I could've gone to get my dam resume critiqued AGAIN at school AND gone to the bank. FUCK. I just might sleep today.

It's hot as hell.

It's raining outside.

Hm.... perhaps I should go outside and enjoy the rain?
Well, I would if this were a movie. Yep. If this were a movie my girl would be here and yes, we'd go outside right now 5:23am in the pouring rain and we'd have a long kiss as the rain drops bathe us. Sun comes out and movie ends. But reality bites and I'm sitting here..

Ok, I'm gonna go lay down now. Fall asleep and completely waste half a day. And time is precious. Sad eh?

Goodnite cruel world.
Oh, and School sux.
Ok, Goodnite cruel world.
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