This is one of the few times I will be posting out in public. I have my reasons...To start with, what happened at Virginia Tech truly broke my heart. Since my new job makes me listen to the news over and over I heard the same sad news over and over. And it was if I was there just as a fly on a wall. I cried several times at work, and I mean tears down the cheeks. Each time I heard it I just felt a pit get drilled into my stomach.
Now I understand NBC not wanting to show footage from the gunman. Yes, but there are good reasons to show it as well. So we will learn from the mistakes and know what to do look for. Its better to see it on the news and have someone explain it to you rather then on were people get the wrong message.
But what pisses me off to no end is Jack Thompson. The moron who couldn't tell a controller from a rock. He has the balls to say that video games caused the shooting at Virginia Tech. How Fucken DARE HE!? He has no place to say such irrational and unethical remarks. We all know that the gunman Cho Seung-Hui had mental issues. That has nothing to do with video games. Trying to blame something so tragic on some so minor is just immoral.
If people thought NBC hurt the families of victims then Jack Thompson just kicked them square in the teeth. There is no proof to what the man says or any facts to what he says. I hadn't heard anything about Jack Thompson in a while but the statement like this one only proves he needs to go back under a rock. Then again he blamed Bill Gates for it as well sending a letter to him babbling on about something. Go find someone else to blame Jack, or better yet just don't say anything at all. Because right now a moment of silence is the best thing you can do for everyone.
Thank you Penny Arcade: