The good, the bad, and the ... eep, media cliche!

Mar 16, 2007 03:09

I should update this thing more often.

Work has been ... dry, lately. I missed a training thing and resultantly suffered a confidence hit, as I suspect they did Silver Service stuff there. I can't do Silver Service, although it could be argued that because of small hands and dodgy wrists I shouldn't try anyway. That in itself is depressing. Well, worrying anyway. I think they might have also done bar training, which would also be useful, because as yet I can't do that either. Just call me 'unqualified plate carrier'. :S (Good news though - I've been paid recently! I'm no longer broke. Yay.)

College has been ... varied. I've missed a lot, and got a slightly agressive letter about a meeting I was summoned to, but it turned out to be with a member of staff who is very nice, so that wasn't too bad at all. My health's been terrible, which she understood, and it's my next mission to get up the guts for a doctors appointment and see if there's some tests I can take about the low energy and rubbish immune system. I was given a load of English stuff to catch up with, which I've made something of an attempt at, and was having a good go at the Media coursework this morning. It's starting to get quite fun, although still needs a lot of typing and shaping work. As yet I have a 2,000 word first draft (I need 3,000 in total), a lot of notes and quotes, and two weeks to complete it. Technically one week and a bit, as I'll be in New York for a week, starting this Monday. :) I'm also finally getting to grips with the fine art of working whilst simutaneously listening to music. Apparently your concentration suffers - mine used to disappear completely when I tried it, but today I found that it helped to keep my mood up.

Grandparents hijacked the study session with a spontaneous visit. It seems my grandad has the choice between a comparatively long, but uncomfortable life, or a shorter one with less pain in it. Decisions decisions. :(

My nan has four wedding rings - one original, one from when they re-did the ceremony in church, one from an anniversary, and one because long ago they had to sell the original at a pawners, got a replacement when they could afford it, and a few years later found that the pawners still had the original so they could buy it back. She asked me today which one I wanted to inherit. She's eaving one to each of the eldest granddaughters. Do you think it would be selfish to ask for the original one?
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