Long meme, just because

Mar 11, 2007 00:49

The basics

Name: Louise (as if it wasn't obvious)
Age: 19
Birthdate: 30th May 1987
Family: Yes, I have some
Pets: My black lab Gemma, my mum's Lhasa Apso Penny, eight rats, two rabbits (one mine, one my mum's), a few guinea pigs (they're also my mum's ... I think there are four), next door's cat, and a canary called Bob.
# of Nicknames: None
Sign: Gemini

Right now

What are you listening to?: Myself sneezing, and The Sims 2 on the other computer.
Who is around you?: Yang, my mum, my brother, Gemma and Bob are in the room.
What is on your mind (specifically)?: My nose is sore.
What do you see?: The screen. :P Also Yang.
What are you doing (OTHER than this)?: Sitting. Sometimes checking Yang's screen.
What are your short term plans?: Maybe watch an episode of 24, then go to bed. (Snuggles!)
What are you long term plans?: Finish A-levels, make some money, eventually probably go to university, travel a bit, find a job that I can enjoy doing. Might tuggle Yang down the aisle at some point.
How long have you been awake?: Since about 1pm, so ... 11 hours and 59 minutes.
What are you wearing?: Underwear, socks, jeans, a t-shirt, a jumper, and glasses.
What are you eating?: I'm not.
Drinking?: Not doing that either, but I had some apple juice a few minutes ago.


How many friends do you have?: That would depend on how you define 'friend'. I have a few, anyway.
Are the majority male or female?: Both.
How many do you consider 'best' friends?: Probably just the one.
Who (if any) do you trust implicitly?: Um... three, I think.
Who are you closest to?: Some.
Do you lie to friends?: Nope.

Of your friends, who is/are:
-Funniest: I don't categorise them.
-Most Honest:
-Most Kind:
-Most Trustworthy:
-Best Listener:
-Most Open-Minded:
-Most Secretive:
-The one(s) you'd like to know more:
-The one(s) you think you know TOO well:

The Sexes

Do you think size matters to guys?: I think it depends on what they're measuring.
To girls?: Again, it depends on what they're measuring.
What kind of smell do you like to wear?: Shampoo, I suppose.
Why?: Because it means my hair's clean and that the shampoo we have at the moment is smelly. (Which is usually a good thing.)
What kind do you like on the opposite sex?: Yang-scentedness. :)
Why?: Because it means it's Yang. :P

What physical traits do you notice in the opposite sex?: Depends on the individual - different things stick out on different people.
What personality traits do you look for?: I don't look for any, really - I try to see what's obvious. If I'm looking for it it's presumably not apparent in the first place.
What do you notice in the opposite sex first?: It depends on the individual.
What don't you like to see in the opposite sex?: The same things that I don't like to see in people in general. Bad manners, prejudice, absence of hygiene...
What do you think the opposite sex notices/likes about your looks?: It probably depends on the individual again.
Personality?: Probably that I don't speak much, and when I do I'm either awkward or geeky. :)
What don't they like?: Probably the above. :)
Are men and women equal?: In what? Can you be more specific?
Who should take the initiative? Men or Women?: Again, in what? I think it depends on the situation and the men and women in question.
Do guys like girls to ask them out?: Some probably do.
Do girls like guys to ask them out?: Most probably do.
Why?: Because it's good for the ego, and if it's someone they're interested in then it saves them from having to ask the asker out.

What sex act, if any, is a taboo to you?: I'd rather avoid threesomes (or any number higher than that) and anything particularly painful.
Straight, gay, or bi?: Straight.
Sweetest thing that can be done for you?: I'd rather not be superlative, as I might be surprised and proved that something sweeter could be done.


Favorite Girl's Name?: Rhianna, Naomi and Dylan.
Favorite Boy's Name?: Not sure.
Favorite of your nicknames?: I have nicknames?
Favorite Song?: A few. I like 'Why Do You Build Me Up Buttercup', 'Right Said Fred', 'Rebel Heart', and a few others, though.
Color?: It varies. Maybe purple.
Era (like 60's, 70's, etc.)?: For what?
Medicine?: Anything that helps me when I have a cold.
Comic Character?: Erica
Manga Character?: Actually, that might be Erica
Holiday?: The time I went to Brecon.
Solo Musician?: Possibly Paula Cole
Band?: A few. I like Savage Garden, The Corrs, Shakespeare's Sister, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers, among others.
Music Genre?: Classical, rock, some older stuff.
Animal?: Llama, fancy rats, dogs.
Pet?: Rats and dogs and bunnies. And canaries.
Fantasy?: Hmm.
Kind of sex?: I have to choose?
Bodypart of the opposite sex?: Uh... spleen.
Food?: Sure.
Quote?: So many...
Belief?: That some day, benevolent geeks will rule the world.
Kind of movie?: Depends on how I'm feeling. A good romantic comedy is usually a good idea.
Emotion?: Happy happy bounce bounce.
Relative?: Umm...
Action Movie?: Not sure.
School Movie?: Again, not sure.
Martial Arts Movie?: Ugh.
Comedy?: Again, not sure.
Drama?: I'm really not good at this 'choosing a movie' thing, you know.
Animated Movie?: I kind of liked Aladdin.
Anime?: I haven't seen any yet.
Horror?: Umm...
'Teen' Movie?: Hmmm....
Romance/romantic comedy?: Ugh. Possibly Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and also possibly Music And Lyrics.

Yes or No

Are you honest?: If I said yes, how would you know to believe me?
Are you single?: Nope.
Are you happy?: Right now? No, my nose still hurts, and it's annoying me.
Do you have a crush?: What, like a sorbet? Nope.
Do you love anyone?: Yep, a few people.
Are you 'in love'?: I suspect that I might be.
You ever think about skydiving?: Not often.
Scuba diving?: On occasion.
Bunjee Jumping?: Yep.
Have you ever done any of them?: Nope.
Been to a foreign country?: Yes.
Live more than 3 places?: Yes.
More than 6?: *counts* Yep.
12?: Not yet.
If so, military?: Nope.
Do you like philosophy?: Sometimes.
Have you or will you lie anywhere on this?: Nope.
Do you think you're attractive?: I have my moments.
Were you teased in Elementary School?: A few times.
High School?: Nope.
Have you ever done drugs?: Not recreationally.
Pot?: I like to cook in them. And I have a few plant pots. :)
Cocaine?: Nope.
Crack?: Sorry. *tugs up trousers*
Acid?: Eep.
Do you drink?: Yes. It's important to stay hydrated.
Do you smoke (cigarettes)?: Nope.
Are you bias?: About what?
Did you dream last night?: I can't remember.
Do you have secrets from your parents?: A few.
Are you a good kisser?: Apparently.
Have you been in more than 5 relationships?: No.
Do you want to be loved?: Who doesn't?
Are you loved?: I think so.
By family?: Yep.
By friends?: Possibly.
By others?: Indeed.
Do you trust easily?: It depends.
Do you lose trust easily?: No.
Do you want to be alone?: Not at the moment.
Do you miss grade school?: Grade school?
Were you a bully?: Nooo.
Were you an outcast?: Yep.
Were you part of the 'In' crowd?: Nope.
Did you play sports?: Yes, although I wasn't very good at them.
Do you now?: Not really.
Do you diet?: Not usually.
Do you exercise?: Sometimes.
Do you suck (figuratively, ya sicko lol)?: I think it depends on who you ask.
Are you a player?: I play a few different computer games.
Are you the jealous type?: Not usually.

The Past

What's your oldest memory?: Looking at my brother's dummy under the sofa and watching my parents hunt for it. (I didn't know that they were looking for it at the time - I thought they were just moving the sofa cushions.)
What kind of child were you?: I suspect my parents wondered that themselves. As in, 'what kind of a child does that..?' :)
What was your first pet?: A hamster named Smokey.
What was your first school?: Langer Road Primary.
Who was your first teacher?: Miss Desmond.
Did your parents (either of them) have a reglar nickname for you?: Pickle. :S
What teacher had the greatest impact?: A few did.
What did you/do you hate about your youth?: The great glass wall of communication. Although it was more of an annoyance than something to hate.
Where were you born?: In a hospital.
What was your first kiss like?: Interesting. :)
What did you do when you were little that you'd prefer not known?: If I'd prefer it to be not known, why would I type it here?

Choices Choices

Photography or Painting?: Both.
Singing or Dancing?: Both.
Beer or Wine?: Wine.
Soda or Juice?: Juice.
Meat or Veggies?: Veggies.
Tape or CD?: CD, usually.
Summer or Winter?: Summer!
Spring or Fall?: Either.
Life or Death?: Life.
Madness or Sanity?: Sanity.
Company or Lonliness?: Company.
Up or Down?: Up or down what?
Playing or Watching?: Depends.
Give or Recieve?: Either.
Work or Spoil?: Spoil what?
Love or Hate?: Love.
Love or Lust: Both. :)

Short or Long Essay
What do you want?: For the population to be safe and happy.
In a partner?: For me to be safe and happy.
In a relationship?: Trust, fun, companionship, comfort, understanding. - What Lo said.
From life?: More good than bad.
What's your worst memory?: Um...
What's your best memory?: Um...
If you diety had something to say about your life, what do you think it would be?: Diety? Is that a typo? If I had something to say about my life, what it was would vary according to who I was saying it to and the purpose of saying it. In abstract, it might be 'I think I did my best'.
If you could change anything in your past, what would it be?: I'd not, in case it changed the present.
If you could have ANY power, what would it be?: I'd like to be able to shapeshift. Optional mindreading would be good, too.
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