Ahhh....it's so good to have a week off work! I am truly treating this break as a mental health week. I've been lazing around in bed until midday and then hanging around Leederville drinking milkshakes and finding hidden bars of decadence.
Went to see Bruno the other night, which was funny as hell. I laughed so much that I cried, and the popcorn down my top in addition to the laughter made me feel happy. What also makes me happy is that I bought myself a nice new Digital SLR camera - the new Pentax K7 which has been receiving loads of great reviews. I can't freakin' wait to treat myself to some beautiful glass for my new pet monster. Buuuuut..what really makes my ♥ heart ♥ happy is my new purple Lomo fisheye camera! I can't wait to use it...I start bouncing around and I feel my heart skip a beat when I think about it.
I've also been buying lots of books lately. Last week I read Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse which was a nice easy read, and at the moment I'm reading Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis which is sort of making me bored. I've still got quiiite a few others to get through - fiction, travel journals, photography inspiration, Russell Brand's booky wook...ahhhh...plus all those DVDs I bought the other week. I have a great deal of TEFL work to do which I keep putting it off, and I'm sure not making the right moves to avoid distraction and boost motivation...but...but...no buts.
Did I mention that I'm super excited about my fisheye?!?!