So I finished the extra training over in Pendleton and Im on my last few months stateside we just made it to 29palms today.Im being told will be leaving mid july to go to camp Falluja for the next 7 months.Our time over there im sure will waver till the day we fly back but thats what were all hearing now.Hopefully Ill have some leave coming up, the 10th through the 27th most of which Ill be spending in the Orlando area and the later for about 4 days in Atlanta.Ill let everyone know the moment I know.Heres a little about the guys Im going over with, there already starting to warm up to us and as for some of the other corpsmen Ive known some of them through school.This deployment is shaping up to be better every turn.I offerd to be a line corpsmen,It means Ill see the most shit when it hits the fan but Itll also be the most rewarding.