Aug 21, 2004 19:03
i am getting annoy by the guys, they have no life! they have no goal, wasting their valuable time on games, going out and having fun. i don't disagree with having fun, once in a while, u do need some relaxation. but i am not the type who want to have fun every minutes of my life. ALSO, i am not the "anomy in the society" the way i want to relax is different from others, and i can't stand some guy insult me like that.
guys only give me trouble in my life, i will be degenerate, esp the guys in my age or younger. i appreciate a guy who has a brian, not to be insult, but i rarely see any guy who has a brian, maybe some mature guy who start know how valuable life is. *sigh* i hope ppl (esp. guys) won't take as insult, it just my personal thought, correct me if i am wrong.