some thing i was doing after i got tired with reading some book
What is your full name : Sarry Z.
001. Nicknames : Yuna / Starry
002. Birthday : Oct 3
003. Age : 16
004. Sex : f
005. Social Security : 0.o suuuuure 911
006. Where do you live : mah dreamland, if u know where that is
007. What school do you attend : MAC
009. Pets : none
010. Zodiac Sign : Libra
011. Righty or Lefty : Righty
012. Hair color : nice black
013. Eye color : brown
014. Height : 165cm I think, haven’t measure it for looooong
015. Do u wear contacts or glasses : none
016. Do you have any piercing : none, I am not sure if I should get my ears pierced
017. Do you want more, if you do where : nope
018. Do you have a tattoo : nope
019. If so what and where :
020. Do you wear any rings : nope
021 you have a certain fashion you follow : none, depending on my mood
023. How are you today : okay, I guess
024. What pants are you wearing right now : sport shorts
025. What shirt are you wearing right now : t-shirt
026. What underwear are you wearing right now : guess, whatever u think XD
027. What does your hair look like at the moment : pony tail
028. What song are u listening to right now : BoA - don’t give a damn
029. What was the last thing u ate : chinese food= dinner
030. How is the weather right now : okay, a bit cold, after raining
031. Last person you talked to on the phone : my relative in china, wait I think it’s my dad >.>
032. Last Dream you can remember : almost eaten by a whale, while trying save my bro
033. Who are you talking to right now : no one
034. What time is it : 9:56PM
:: More about YOU ::
035. What are the last four digits of your phone number : this is how u find it, go check the yellowpage or go find it at online, or if u are the REAL stalker, then u know where to find it
036. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be : skyblue or purple, or pinky
037. Have you ever almost died : yesh >.>
038. Do u like the person that sent u this : 0_0
039. How do u eat an Oreo : just eat them with milk
040. What makes you happy : listening to music, singing, hanging with friends, reached my goal
041. What's the next CD you are going to buy : I don’t buy them >.>
042. What religion/denomination are you : agnostic, if that counts
043. What's the best advice ever given to you : don’t remember
044. Have u ever won any special awards : Yes...
045. What are your future goals : a success business woman
046. Do u like to dance : yesh
047. Worst sickness u ever had : I duno what is it called, but I almost die from it
048. What's the stupidest thing u ever done : this personality quiz I did, one of the question asked “what is ur favourite s-e-x spot?”something like that, I had no clue what was the question asking, I asked this guy who was talking to me, and then I got the meaning of the question, so I told him what I would choose >.< *feel very stupid*
049. What's your favorite memory : my sweet neighbour XD, we grow up together, and he taught me a lot things, too bad he moved when I was gr5 *sniff*
050. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be : to be more open and hardworking and stoppppp being lazy >_<
051. Where do you shop the most : mallS??!!
052. How many kids do you want to have : I am not sure
053. Son's name :
054. Daughter's name :
055. Do you do drugs : hell NOO, ppl who do drugs have awful smell on them =/
056. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use : whatever my parents brought, and I don’t use conditioner
057. What sport do you hate the most : basketball? I can’t neva shoot in the basket >_<
058. What are you most scared of : lost something that is EXTREMLY precious to me
059. How many TV's do you have in your house : 4
060. Do you have your own : nope, I wish, but daddy neva let me watch it anyway
061. Do you have your own phone line : nope, I wish
063. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : no, and I don’t have any stuff animal >.>
064. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone : no
065. Who do you dream about : friends, family and random object and ppl
066. Who do you tell your dreams to : Anyone who cares, mainly bro and alli
067. Who's the loudest friend you have : Gigi *heheh*
068. Who's the quietest friend you have : um.. I think myself XD
069. Is cheerleading a sport : no, it's just a way to get guys
070. How many licks does it take to get to the center : 0.o I don’t get the question??
071. Which came first, the chicken or the egg : Egg
:: YOU and LOVE ::
072. Do you believe in Love : yes
073. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend : nope, don’t really want one
074. Do you have a crush : no, that was b4
075. Who is your crush : okay, here is a list that ppl who used to be my crush: bin, snoopy, jason<= a guy in my middle school, first time I told my dark secret >D, and turtle.
076. Did you send this to your crush : nope
077. Do you believe in Love at first sight : yesh b4
078. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon : anywhere is fine, depending on many stuff
079. What song do you want played at your wedding : I am not sure if I wanna getting married >.>
080. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex : eyes
081. Longest crush : approximately 6 yrs
081. Are you shy too ask someone out : yesh if it’s someone I like
082. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with : Someone understanding, attactive, kind, respect u and others, humour, faithful, always has something to talk about with me, intelligent, helpful, thoughtful, etc.
083. Do you find yourself attractive : not really, people think I am though and cold
084. Do you find yourself ugly : no
085. Do others find you attractive : I ain’t sure, what do u guys think?
087. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie : >.> neither
088. What's worse having your tonsils or appendix removed : neither >.>
:: ON GUYS ::
089. Boxers or briefs : doesn’t matter
091. Curly or straight hair : straight XD
092. Tall or short : average >D
093. Six pack or muscular arms : doesn’t matter
094. Good or bad guys : mix of both >D
095. Hat or no hat : doesn’t matter
096. Ears pierced or not : don't care
097. Tan or no tan : doesn’t matter, natural skin is better
098. Dimples or not : doesn’t matter, dimple looks cuter
099. Stubble or neatly shaven : doesn’t matter, maybe neatly shaven
100. Rugged or sporty : doesn’t matter
101. Studly or cutie : cutie ^_~
102. Accent or not : as long as I can understand what he is saying
103. Glasses : don't care
104. Smart or dumb : smart ^-^
105. What sport should he play : anything he wants
106. Dependent(whipped) or independent : independent definitely!!
133. Lights on/off : off, saving energy, also me=half vampire and half angel
134. Sun or rain : depending on my mood
135. Mickey D's(McDonalds) or BK(Burger King) : MDs , u see it everywhere
136. Do u like scary or happy movies better : both
137. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC : don’t care
138. On the phone or in person : in person
139. Paper or plastic : paper
140. Sausage or pepperoni : both
141. Summer or winter : both
142. Hugs or kisses : hugs!!! Kisses only for special ppl
143. Chocolate or white milk : both *drools*
144. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper : neither
145. Glass half full or half empty : half full
146. CD or Tape : cd
147. Tape or DVD : dvd
148. Cats or Dogs : dogs
149. Mud or Jell-O wrestling : doesn’t matter
150. Vanilla or Chocolate : chocolate
151. Skiing or Boarding : skiing
152. Day or night : night
153. Cake or pie : Cake
155. Diamond or pearl : pearl
156. Sunset or sunrise : both
:: Your FAVS ::
157. Color : blue, purple, pink, green, white, black, yellow
158. Food : Chinese, italian, japanese, korean, russian cake XD
159. Fast Food : anything ish fine,
160. Candy : yummmm.. candy *drools* anything that has no cinnomaon inside
161. Beverage : strawberry kiwi , or raspberry kiwi fruitopia
162. Ice Cream Flavor : cookies'n'cream, strawberry shortcake, rock’n’road
163. Sport : badminton, hockey, baseball, ski, diving
163. Animal : Bunnies, dogs, peguin XD *anjie knows why*
164. Fave type of music : pop, R&B, classic, and rock
165. Radio Station : 104.5FM and 99.9FM
167. Band : don’t have one
168. Number : 5, 6, 3, 8, 9
169. Fav. Actor or Actress : Jared Paledski, he is sooooooo cute ^____^
170. Fav. day of the year : mah bday!!
171. Fav. month : none
172. Tv show : friends, anime, the simpson, and some other random
comment on it, if u think i miss something