
Dec 14, 2011 00:05

Oh gosh, I haven't posted on here since April! Partly because I'm busy and mostly because I'm lazy. Still, I've caught the organizing bug and I've decided to move journals! I'll be at themysciras from now on. There's still nothing on that journal and it still looks like crap, but I'm going to friend people there starting now. Don't be alarmed if a random person friends you because it's just me! And there is absolutely no obligation to friend back.

Also, tell me if you still want to keep in contact and I didn't friend you. It's probably because I think our interests have diverged or your journal isn't active anymore. You might just be like me, who checks her f-list everyday but doesn't post or comment on anything heh. My current fandoms are Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and Parks and Recreation. And probably some other stuff I missed. I'm still not going to post that often because Tumblr and Plurk have taken over my life. If you want to keep in touch there, the info will be on the profile of my new journal!

So yeah, that's it. See you on my new journal if you so desire.♥


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