
Sep 14, 2008 20:50


Sorry, we know they're a little long, but please read everything. Consequences for rulebreaking can be seen at the bottom of the page.

1. Posting Requirements
2. Post Formats
--For overclockedrp
--For overclockedlogs
--For character journals
--For overclockedooc
--For overcrack
3. Roleplaying
4. RP Content
5. Plot Creation
6. OOC Conduct
7. Artwork and PBs
8. The Most Important Rule

1. Posting Requirements
You must:
  • Post at least 1 time each week.
  • Have at least 1 post in a log thread each week. (There is no quota for posting in script threads.)
If you know you will be unable to post for a certain period of time, please contact the mods to fill us in.

If you fail to post for three weeks with no explanation, we will contact you via email to ask if you're still interested in the game. If you fail to respond to the email by the end of one week, you will be removed from the game, and your character slot will be opened up for someone else to play. Please notify us if you know you will be unable to post for extended periods of time. A hiatus post on overclockedooc or a simple "I'm busy but I still want to be in the game, don't kick out my character" type email will suffice.

However, if your character is involved in an important plot or mission and you go on hiatus without prior arrangements, don't be surprised when you return if the plot has been rewritten around you. The moderators reserve the right to temporarily write for a character on hiatus if necessary to move a plot forward, though this will only be used sparingly and in the most extreme circumstances when no other satisfactory solution can be found (hopefully that means never).

2. Post Formats
The main plot of the game will take place in the overclockedrp and overclockedlogs communities.

Posting in overclockedrp
  • Post in first-person conversational style, with actions in *stars*, [brackets], etc. The main comm journal is reserved for either tangible bulletins (notes, postings on the wall, intercom announcements, etc.) or golem posts. As of the turn of the century, all Order personnel, including Finders, researchers, and miscellaneous staff, are issued their own golem capable of both voice and video feeds.
  • Holding cells for prisoners are each equipped with an intercom used to communicate with the outside. Prisoners can talk with each other and with Exorcist golems via this intercom. Exorcists are allowed to lock the holding cell intercoms out of golem posts, but for IC security, intercoms cannot keep golems from listening in. If it's secrecy you're after, you'll have to sneak out...
  • In the subject line, make up a title for the thread (optional), then mark its status. The subject line should be marked as "open" if anyone is invited to join in, or it may be "tagged" or "closed" to certain characters. See below for examples.
  • If the post takes place on a specific day/time of month, feel free to add this into the subject line or the beginning of your post.
  • Then tag your post with the month it takes place in and the name of each character participating in the thread. If new characters appear later, add their tags too.

Posting in overclockedlogs

You are required to post in a log thread at least 1 time each week.
  • Post in third-person, past-tense prose paragraphs. Posts in overclockedlogs are face-to-face character interactions.
  • In the subject line, make up a title for the thread (mandatory!), then mark its status. The subject line should be marked as "open" if anyone is invited to join in, or it may be "tagged" or "closed" to certain characters. See below for examples.
  • If the post takes place on a specific day/time of month, feel free to add this into the subject line or the beginning of your post.
  • Then tag your post with the month it takes place in and the name of each character participating in the thread. If new characters appear later, add their tags too.

Example subject lines:
The Mission of d00m. [Open] This means that anyone can reply.
The Other Mission of d00m. [Tag to Allen and Rabi.] This means that the original poster would like Allen and Rabi to reply, but anyone may do so.
Two guys walk into a bar... [Closed to Allen and Rabi.] This means only Allen and Rabi can reply. (The original poster might be Allen or Rabi, or it might be, for example, Linali. It's okay to leave yourself out if you're the OP -- the point is to get other players' attention.)
Squee! [Closed] This means that no one can reply.

Posting in character journals

Character LJ accounts are not actual in-character journals, but may be used to post IC thoughts and reflections, short writing snippets about the character, and so forth. Please do not reply to these -- if you want characters to reply to your thread, post in overclockedrp or overclockedlogs instead. All character account entries viewable to other players should be IC; please post OOC material only to the OOC communities.

Posting in overclockedooc

Out-of-character posts, including discussion, questions for the players, hiatus notices, artwork/icons/fanworks, etc., should generally go here. Mod announcements will also be posted here from time to time when needful, so keep an eye on this comm. Posting in any format is fine as long as you follow OC rules.

Posting in overcrack

GO WILD. Random stupidity, memes, funny shops, parody art/fanworks, crack RPing, photos of your neighbor's ferret who looks like Bill Gates, it's all welcome here. Post however/whatever you like, just abide by OC rules. Keep in mind any RP threads that might start up here will not be considered part of Overclocked canon.

3. Roleplaying
We hope it goes without saying, but please use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation at all times, for the convenience of the other players. Avoid powergaming/godmoding. Do not metagame. Do not use fangirl Japanese -- Kanda should not be calling things kawaii and Linali should not be calling her brother 'niisan' (after all, everyone is speaking English, and she's Chinese!).

Do your best to stay in character. Even if there's not much info on your character in canon, there are still certain basic aspects of human behavior everyone should keep an eye on -- for instance, a mature adult female will not necessarily start acting like a blushing preteen fangirl just because she's fallen in love, and a gay character should hopefully be a little more realistic than the protagonist of your average yaoi manga. Another thing to keep in mind is ethnicity -- if your character grew up in, say, Japan, they're going to have very different knowledge and life experiences than you yourself in North America/Europe/Oceania/wherever in the world you are.

As for shipping, anything goes: whether it be het, yaoi, yuri, threesome, incest, or platonic lifemates, we'll be happy to accept it all. The only thing we ask of you is that your pairing be conducted completely in-character. Your job as a player is to convince us that these characters could believably get together!

4. RP Content
Our one content rule is as follows: If it goes beyond an R rating or otherwise seems too explicit/disturbing (use your discretion), please put it behind a cut and use an adult content flag.

Warning: This is a mature RPG. This game is likely to contain sexual content, yaoi and yuri, harsh language, emotional/psychological issues, violence, gore, and all around creepy-ass disturbing shit; you name it, it might appear in this RPG, so if you're squeamish or have moral concerns, please turn back now. (But if you have a problem with that sort of thing, what in the world are you doing reading D.Gray-man?)

5. Plot Creation
Players are encouraged to have their characters interact and proactively create plots both inside HQ and outside on missions or outings -- we suggest AIM as a good way to get in touch with people for planning. If the plot has to do with an official mission (i.e. handed down by Order staff), please contact a mod for approval; otherwise, please contact the mods if a plot would lead to a major change (character death, marriage, destruction of the Order again, etc. etc.). If in doubt, ask first -- the answer will usually be 'yes'.

6. OOC Conduct
Don't be a bitch.


Respect your fellow players and always treat them the way you would want to be treated-- that is, politely and kindly. Don't confuse IC and OOC; how you feel about other players should never influence how your character acts toward them.

If you have a problem with another player, tactfully bring it up with them, with a modly third party present if it seems necessary; don't leave problems to fester between yourself and other players. Be willing to compromise, and try to maintain a fun, positive, stress-free environment for everyone's enjoyment.

It cannot be stressed enough that this is an important rule. If the moderators feel you are disrupting the harmony of the game or causing strife between players, you run a high risk of being banned. This shouldn't need to be said, but we are saying it anyway because this is a very high priority. Please do your best to get along with everyone.

7. Artwork and PBs
We strongly encourage you to use icons only from canon artwork or, if using fanart icons, to ask permission first. There's no faster way to make a Japanese fanartist so pissed they close their site than to steal their art for reuse without asking. If you want to ask an artist's permission but you don't speak Japanese, feel free to contact us and we will translate your message/help you figure out where to send it.

Some characters eligible for this game, such as Cloud and Sokaro's deceased Exorcist squads, have no canon artwork. When picking PBs for characters like these, please do not use photos. Cosplay photos for any character are also not acceptable -- all icons in the game must be artwork. For characters needing PBs, we recommend searching image galleries like Aethereality for scans of original art.

8. The Most Important Rule in This Long-Ass List

If you're not enjoying yourself, there's no reason to be here :)

Consequences for Rulebreaking

In general, punishments for breaking the above rules vary based on moderator discretion. Infractions judged to be minor generally work on a three-strike system -- each infraction will receive a moderator reprimand (you will be explicitly told "This is your #x strike" by the moderator), and the third strike may earn a several-day period of suspension. If the rulebreaking continues even after suspension, a permanent ban from the game may follow.

Rule 6 is not a three strike rule. All infractions of Rule 6 will be grounds for suspension or permanent banning on the first offense.

If you need clarification on any of these rules, or want to address something that's been left out, please don't hesitate to ask!

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