Happy things

Apr 21, 2009 08:28

canadian_kazz has been posting all this nice stuff that's been happening to her:

Good stuff that's happened to me:

Found my rings! Apparently they were in my suit pants, which were hanging upside down in my cupboard. Now I have four rings! :) I'm happy because one of them Nat gave me at some point and the other Alice and I bought together. Now I have two rings that rotate, my puzzle ring, and one which has a pattern which is probably thorns, but I'm pretending it's fire.

Went to my cousin's wedding on Saturday, it was very pretty, and everyone seemed to have a fantastic time. Although Nat and I didn't really know many people there, which made it go slow, we had great fun dancing together late in the night and drew a lot of attention with some fancy drops. My Aunt seemed a little miffed at us when we stole the focus though. The waitress spent the night two feet from our table and kept refilling our glasses. I like to pretend that she wanted me or Nat drunk, and not that she was just doing her job.

Went around to
the_nelb 's house on Friday and played Vegas 2. We had FOUR xboxes between four of us. It was a very silly night, which ended at around 5am. We learned the joys of C4 with Motion Sensors.

We have new intarwebs at my parents' house, and I played a game with my mate in Melbourne with no lag. Then I spent the rest of the night shooting tourists with
the_nelb and his brother and strange people on Live.

A few of us caught up with danman80 on Sunday night, and he seems to be doing well. We ate at some classy joint in Semaphore (Red Rock anyone?) and went back to his ma's place and talked and danced a bit.

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