Sep 07, 2008 23:02
after a couple years effortlessly removing myself completely from mtv/pop radio
I just heard tokio hotel
and I'm fucking TERRIFIED
German 16 year olds sporting images made cliche in the late 90's
performing "pop" songs without a semi-decent hook
are selling multi-platinum albums
we give them a gem like david hasselhoff
and we get THIS?!?
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Note my Chuck Palahniuk use of one line paragraphs to stress importance that you otherwise may not have understood had I not outlined it for you.
If it weren't for Pete Wentz and FN'MTV resurrecting the importance of new artists, when asked what our favorite music video of all time was, most of us would say "that collaboration with that dude"
Anyone here miss LIMP BIZKIT? Fear not! They've been resurrected as PINK. We get it lady. You are punk rock. Nice butt cheeks. Nico would be proud.
Ive never been more incessantly reminded of anyone as forgettable as Rhianna.
"hey you hear that new rhianna joint?"
"No, who is that?"
"I dunno. A female vocalist whose voice has been processed in pro tools beyond recognition"
"Maybe. Whats she look like?"
"Kind of like Kim Cattrall in MANNEQUIN but as female vocalist"
"oh yea. Shut up and drive rules"
"totally. you pick out your junior prom suit yet?"
Keep in mind that 25 years ago, the nominees for BEST MALE VIDEO were Billy Joel and Michael Jackson. Tonight it was FLO RIDA. Nonono guys. Not FLORIDA. That's way too over your head. You see, METRE is the term used to describe the rhythmic arrangement of the accented and unaccented syllables in verse. So FLORIDA is considered the metric foot. FLO RIDA is the negation of everything you know as grammatically correct, shaking the foundation of traditional structure. You'll never understand how advanced "In The Ayer" truly is until you study the iambic pentameter that made Shakespeare legendary.
I was reminded of how much I love 'Merica when the Pussycat Dolls not only aggrandized their hit single ode to the insufficiencies of female tweens but then thanked our troops for their dedication to freedom before plugging their shitty record. I'm sure the legless father of 2 felt his heart skip a beat while receiving no remuneration for his time served in a pointless war. The battle over who can stuff the pockets of our first illiterate president has finally been validated in the concise prose of the women who sing "When I grow up Fresh and clean Number one chick when I step out on the scene". If that doesn't scream national pride, I don't know what does.
Really? The Jonas Brothers? Lets forget the fact that every live performance from the backlot looked like something big bird would have done when elmo joined him in a spin off of a Barbara Streisand song. Those 3 cartoon character brothers ACTUALLY sang on the same stairs where Harold Hooper argued with Oscar the Grouch. Is it possible to further perpetuate the idea that non threatening, a-sexual and talentless assholes hold the key to the heart of our youth? And for anyone that watched their performance when they moved to "Main Stage", lets run through the producers thought process:
"ok, jonas brothers begin where Gordon talks to Count Von Count"
"perfect so far"
"hold on, I thought I was at the meeting for the nickelodeon awards. Is this really MTV?"
"yes. But we can amalgamate our viewers as long as I have Miley Cyrus playing rock band"
"Deal. Can one of the brothers rip off his vest in a defiant but predictable maneuver and then crowd surf to show how edgy he is?"
"totally sweet."
"nice. Ill see you in aruba"
Last year at the VMA's we got a glimpse into the guilt that MTV must have felt for no longer awarding such visionaries as Michel Gondry or Chris Cunningham. Enter Lou Reed. His opinion seemed almost prophetic as this year we have effortlessly seen the elimination of:
Ingenuity is rolling in its grave.
While I don't claim to hold any stringent allegiance to what main stream media channels offer me, I wont pretend that I am completely immune to its influences. Only vapid indie hipsters who imagine that they are so far removed from popular culture as to maintain a staunch indifference to its pervasiveness declare this absurdity. Yes guys I understand. You love JUSTICE and new balance sneakers and organic foods and denying the origin of any of your cliché ideas for a song. But the truth is, creativity comes not only from an awareness of influences but from a study of how they offend you. if it weren't for MTV award shows there would be no music devoted to its undoing. There would be no antiplots and miniplots and archplots that make direction and story writing what it is. If I didn't hate METRO STATION as much as I do I would never fully appreciate the brilliance of true music played by musicians. I am proud to be a part of a culture that will not make a countdown on a local radio station. And if I do, then it is under the same pretense that that creepy asshole in glasses came into the Emersons house in The Lost Boys. Get the invitation, then ruin all you come into contact with. Maybe one day ill be invited into the "House Of All The Rage". But if I am, I promise I'm bringing my bloodsucking friends with me. See you on tour.
Love keith and ETID
Hot Damn's lyrics are still some of my all-time faves.
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