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Jul 03, 2004 21:52

Last weekend, I was searching through the internet and a came across what seemeed to be a very interesting journal. It was about a man who had been married for 7 years and then decided to come out. That alone did not really stand out from so many other journals that I had come across. The part that interested me was the fact that he was a Mormom with two young children. It peaked my insterest because I thought that there would be a strong possiblility that for once I would find someone with a similar enough coming out experience with whom I could relate. And I have to admit that the fact that he lives in Houston added a higher level of excitement since their was a strong possiblity that our paths would cross some day. Como se dice los espanoles, "El mundo es un panuelo." While I was reading his journal, I became more and more captivated, especially when I discovered that he was a teacher who was certified in Special Education just like me. In light of my current reading (The Psychoanalysis of Gays and Lesbians), it interested me to see how his coming out process was unfolding. He just came out around this time last year and already, he has reached many conclusions about his own identity as a believer and as a homosexual. Going into the reading, I was curious to see how his strong Mormon background and strong familial ties would influence how he alquemates to the Houston gay community. Since his Christian identity had more time to mature relative to others gays coming out, would his religious faith be strong enough to withstand such a drastic change in his life? Es curioso porque le gusta llamar su jornal "Viviendo en mi propria verdad." o algo asi, pero me parace que el esta intentando escribir la verdad en vez de oir a la verdad. No esta escuchando lo que Dios esta deciendole. Claro que no puedo ver todo lo que esta dentro de su corazon pero yo atrevo de decir, segun las circunstancias, que Dios le ha dado muchas mensajes y no quiso escucharlas. Esta ciego por sus gustos. Yo se que no tengo ningun derecho de juzgarle. No es me intencion. Solamente quiero aprender de sus experiencias que hablan directamente a las etapas de una vida gay. Una parte de mi mismo tiene dudas del camino que he elejido segun mi homosexualidad y los romances de me vida. Creo que he escogido el camino menos elegido. No me he entrado en las relaciones de una noche y sigo implementando la moralidad de hetrosexuales para guiarme.
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