"The Mark of the Beast" & "EMP Attacks"

Oct 02, 2013 18:11

Dear Friends,
So that you make no mistake as to what "The Mark of The Beast" is, and also the devastion caused by An EPM attack, which can happen any day.
This is not to frigthen you, for fore-knowledge is Power, and equips us to deal with Satan and his Cohorts, which Christ Jesus, Yahushua confirms.
The Mark of the Beast”: http://www.worldslastchance.com/videos#play881

What is an EMP ATTACK and can you survive one? (30 Minutes if input on your computer is running well)

An EMP Attack can be caused by: a Sun Flare, through Unfriendly Nations, terrorists or other unsuspecting scouces.

Whatever is ahead of us, I believe we should take all the pre-cautions we can, to protect our Familes and friends. It is not as easy as we may think, for reasons as varied as Human Nature!

Yahuwah does indeed help those who help themselves and are obedient.

Having searched long and hard for this video, it was only a few hours ago it appeared that I had fortunately saved it,  back in early February 2013, having “Googled” it many times.

I still highly recommend you consider this. The cost may have changed, but pressing the purchase button will reveal by how much.

If  you have no satisfaction, come back to me and I will see what I can do

I am not taking any income from  this project, for I have been told not to do  by Yahuwah. It is my belief that "Where YAHUWAH  Guides He Provides”

Power4Patriots | Free Video Presentation


Grace and Peace


"middle east conflict";"new world order"

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