Releasing the Chains that Bind Us!

Apr 22, 2013 17:21

1.Have we got into the habit, as True Warriors of applying the Twin Punch Attack of first the Spiritual and then the Physical, as we deal with Satan and his Kind?

Remember, this must be done only through Yahuwah’s Grace, otherwise it will not happen.

To-day, will be posted on “Live Journal”

Yahuwah’s Spiritual Attack through “Worlds Last Chance” part 5 of “3 Months in a Row” Video, which is the giving of Manna to the Israelites.

Months in a Row Part 5 (9.17) Be sure to Scroll down till the Video appears.

The Physical attach through CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer 1.38.12:

LPAC Weekly Report 17th April 2013 (56.14) Introducing the Schiller Conference and the “New Paradigm for Humanity”, the correct use of Thermonuclear Power, the value of Classical Music in education, Scientific growth in Space, and Peace as an attainable possibility.

As I have said already, it is a question of “Connecting the Dots”.

Some can “Connect the Dots”. Some can’t or is it WON’T through a Mule like nature or even Mind Control, if they are unfortunate enough to have already been “Got at” by the “New World Order”.

Whatever is their misfortune, it is they who have to Free themselves from these chains, which is still possible, unless Yahuwah steps in and through an “Angel of Light’, as with Paul the Apostle in prison, removes their Chains and leads them to true Freedom.

This is what has happened to myself and indeed a great blessing to whom it happens!

“The 911 Truth Alliance” is a worldwide alliance of which Annie Machon is now a prominent member as is Susan Lindauer. Those leading this Alliance, speak from hard-earned experience and superhuman Courage.

If Bill Cooper had been still alive, he would, I am sure be one of its foremost members, and would be now leading the charge! After all, until his assassination by the British Governmet,

He was one among the few, who were “speaking out” in a world that, at that time, were evidently not ready to listen!

There are still a comparative few, for whatever reason, really listening and willing to take action.

Although Yahuwah will have His Way, whatever our resistance, our compliance makes it easier for Yahushua and His Father to complete their mission to FREE the World from Sin and Death!

But has this not always been so throughout Dictatorships?

Either through lack of decernment or courage, so it was in Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Mao Tse Tung”s and now the present British Empire, which is at present a benevolent Dictatorship, but will soon Morph into a full-blown Dictatorship!.

Our failures are oh so human, so like Peter the Apostle.

Who of us with certainty at the END of probation, shall have opened ourselves up to the condemnation of those Eternal words of Damnation,” I know you not, depart from me”?

Until more learn to successfully “Connect the Dots”, and speak boldly the Truth, freedoms will be endangered!

We can have all the Athletes and sport superstars we like, as our entertainment. But unless we STOP the mass slaughter of the innocent, Yahuwah is not in the least bit interested in our insignificant causes or plans!!

Starting on Wednesday this week, those of us who would like to accepted the Passover and Feasts of Unleavened Bread, should pay particular attention to this “3 Months in a Row’ series of Videos”, for they take us through the actual events that Moses presented to the Israelites, as Yahuwah’s only way to Spiritual and Physical Freedom.

Remember, whatever is going on in the world, Yahuwah's desire is to separate His People from all those Satan-inspired events. This includes horrific events such as Boston, the recent Chinese earthquake, the evil mass-killing in Syria, the NATO bombing in Iran, and whatever else you may think of.

We have to be conscious of what is going on in our world, but only focused on what Yahuwah wants us to focus on:

Our next Posting will be the Passover and “Unleavened Bread Feasts”, which start the evening of the 24th of April, which is a joyous but sobering time of commemorating Yahushua Death and Resurrection.

Wishing you all well,

Grace and Peace,


current affairs, "middle east conflict", "new world order", bible prophecy

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