Sabbath Service Tuesday 9th April 2013

Apr 08, 2013 16:14

Sabbath Service Tuesday  9th April 2013

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1. Music: ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind’ sung by Katherine Jenkins:

2. “NEPHLIN - The Sons of God and the Antichrist by Bill Schnoeblen” 1/14  parts altogther. You can select in order from the Right side of your screen to complete Video presentation (10.01).

Bill Schnoeblen, who having been a Vampire, a High level Druid, A high level Freemason and a member of Satan’s  hierarchy, was miraculously changed into a true Christian and a follower of Yahushua, can be listened to with confidence.

There are approximately some 14 or more 10 minutes videos, which will take the whole of this Service, as this is so important to properly understanding the Subject of Nephelins and the Demonic. This backs up what Tom Thorn is also teaching with his revealed knowledge of the NEW Pope Francis and the deception that he will be bringing.

From now on the Service will be split into two listening sections a) 1-8  b) 9-14, with breaks for Music, which have been chosen as an interlude for the Service:

3. Music: Katherine Jenkins - Ave  Maria:

To those who are aware of the of the “Occult “, the “Hidden Mysteries”, it is clear that either by trickery (photo or otherwise) Katherine Jenkins has been placed in a Masonic Hall, whether she is aware of it or not.

We however, who are hearing this inspiring music, should be aware that she is not giving a “performance”, so much as portraying true ART. To those who are considered experts, I am told, this is the Secret of all truly Classical Composers and Artists like Beethoven, Brahms, and  poets like Shakespeare, Shelly, Keats and so on.

If you feel you can claim the Promise of Protection given us by Yahuwah, go ahead and enjoy it!

If you haven't got to that point yet, I would keep away from it, for the simple reason it is performed in a Masonic Hall. Nevertheless, it is not for me to tell you what to do. Pray about it and do what Yahushua advises.

4. a) NEPHLIN - The Sons of God and the Antichrist by Bill Schnoeblen 9 . I have failed to find 10, but you can continue with 11  if you find yourself in the same boat..

Please keep selecting your next video from Right -hand Column on screen. You can expand  to Full screen or reduce to Minimum in Right Bottom corner.

Music: Katherine Jenkins and  Andrea Bocelli - I Believe

5. 7 Trumpet of Revelation / Demonic Massacre of 2nd Woe (Trumpet 6)

6. Katherine Jenkins and Amaury Vassili - Endless Love

Grace ad Peace to you all,


current affairs, "middle east conflict", "new world order", bible prophecy

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