Dark Cloud's Raising Serious Questions About True Heart Of Petrus Romanus, the New Jesuit Pope

Mar 18, 2013 22:08


1.  “Petrus Romanus” (23.30): Published on May 30, 2012

Who knows what mysteries lie hidden in the halls and crevices of the Vatican? Tom Horn and Chris Putnam have discovered an ancient secret they're calling "The Prophecy of the Popes” This document identifies the New Pope, the successor to Pope Benedict, as Peter the Roman, the long awaited False Prophet!

He is a Jesuit and according to Tom and Chris Putnam is the “False Prophet” of Revelation:


Dark Cloud's Raising Serious Questions About True Heart Of Petrus Romanus
Although responses to Pope Francis started out chiefly positive, one dark stain in church history is raising serious questions about him-the church's role during the dictatorship in Argentina.

The church backed the dictatorship during its rule from 1976 to 1983, urging its followers to be patriotic and support the regime, even as thousands of people were abducted and murdered by the government, including many progressive priests.

As the head of the Jesuit order in Argentina from 1973 to 1979, Jorge Bergoglio was part of the church hierarchy and has been accused of working with the dictatorship. In 2005, Bergoglio was accused in a lawsuit of withdrawing church protection from two anti-government priests, leading to their incarceration under brutal conditions in 1976, reports the "New York Times" and confirmed in the “Manchester Guardian”.

Bergoglio has called the allegation "slander" and claimed he worked behind the scenes to help the priests, but he has twice refused to testify in court about what his role had been.

Throughout the Bible and especially in Revelation, warning is given that at the END TIME, Satan will be  allowed to deceive all except “THE ELECT”. So let us watch, and constantly pray that we may be chosen among “THE ELECT” in these fast-moving times.

2. Spies and Lies that Fooled the world - Panorama Documentary on Iraq War(59.00)

Yesterdays BBC Broadcast:

I have played this twice, and it  leaves me with a nasty taste in my mouth.

The last word in this documentary,which is a courageous effort by the BBC to expose the truth, was addressed to “Curveball”, the spy that has be “used” by all and sundry to speak the LIE that has killed millioms of  mostly innocent people worldwide, with  the simple dismissal, “ THAT LIE WAS YOUR LIE!”

However, there are other probable LIERS in this pantomime! I would like to see them all arrested and questioned at the Hague under oath. Here are some of that List:

Sir John Schilcock, Sir Richard Deerlove (M16), Jonathan Powell, Tony Blair, Lord Butler, David Cameron and some of his Cabinet, George Bush and co- Charlatans and His successor President Obama. Others no doubt may like to add to this list!


3. Dr Bill Deagle with others discuss activity of sun spots (CMES), movememrnt of foreign troops on American soil, and the significance of the new Jesuit Pope, which confirms the material being exposed by Tom Horn and Chris Putman; also the “killing spree” now taking place worldwide, at the hands of British Imperial Power.
Unfortunately, I have  not been able to post Dr Deagles audio on "Live Journal" for technical reasons beyond my knowledge.

4. His Name isWonderful (Part 1)  - Call Upon His Name (10.15):


5. As a “Whistle-Blower” from MI5, Annie Machon’s Website has a fund of credible informationhttp://anniemachon.ch/: Starting with Bradley Manning’s Military trail in Washington, you will also learn the truth about Wikileaks: (7.25) http://anniemachon.ch/annie_machon/2013/03/rt-interview-about-the-bradley-manning-hearing.html

6. The Keiser Report Interviews Annie Machon: (12.41)

Grace and Peace,


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4. His Name isWonderful (Part 1)  - Call Upon His Name (10.15):


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Grace and Peace,

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Norman Green-Price

"middle east conflict, current affairs, "new world order", bible prophecy

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