This is an Audio recording of an Open Letter sent to David Cameron, the British Prime Minister on the 12th March 2013.
Knighton, Powys
01547 550
245 12th March 2013
The Right Honourable David Cameron MP,
10 Downing Street,
Dear Prime Minister,
You may or may not recollect a letter I wrote you several years ago, which you kindly acknowledged.
It referred to Lyndon Larouche, the former US Presidential Candidate and Adviser to President Ronald Reagan, and the Promoter of the Glass-Steagle Act, currently going through the US Senate and Congress.
Ever since I wrote to you, Lyndon Larouche, and his dedicated and highly capable Team, have been pressing the US Government and all governments including
Europe, the Chinese and Russian, to adopt Glass-Steagle as the ONLY way to get this world out of the current BANKRUPT CHAOS, that has invaded it.
The result of this request for Glass-Steagle has been well received by many nations,including certain elements of the British leadership, with the exception
of your Government and that of President Obama's Administration.
Not only that, you, of all people, and most of your Cabinet, must be aware, as is President Obama and his Administration, that Thermonuclear War is just around the corner, unless leaders get their act together, and adopt the commonsense SANITY suggested by Larouche.
The Policy of Her Majesty's Government and that followed by President Obama's Administration, is not only NOW killing Millions, but is "set on course" to MURDER,(an entirely appropriate word as I see it), within the next few years,
I am 100% with those who are exposing "traitors" ,of whatever hue, who continue to MURDER, LIE and STEAL the hard-won efforts of others,whether they are rich or poor.
At 86, I do what I can to keep going a Website that you may like to see:
The "Cock-up" by MI5 over Qaddafi's Assassination and other Facts as Told by M15 "Whistle-Blower " When are you, as Her Majesty's Government going to tell the whole TRUTH to your people?
Gradually, in spite of the Lies they are being fed, more and more are daily WAKING UP TO THE TRUTH, and when they HAVE AWOKEN, “The King James Bible” tells us, what will happen to those who have NOT REPENTED of their SINS!
We are all SINNERS PRIME MINISTER, and the sooner we realise it and CHANGE, the sooner OUR REDEEMER and FRIEND will FORGIVE us!
Grace and Peace,
Norman Green-Price