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1. A BANK BASED ON “CREDIT” SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISHED AMERICA, This is what Lyndon Larouch is NOW offering the World as the only solution to the failed “MONETARISM” of the “BRITISH EMPIRE”.
You will find more common sense from this video than out of most politicians, economists and commentators who bore us daily. Most are lying, but many are misled.
Bank of the United States Legislation Statement Posted: March 5 / 11PM (34 Minutes)
2. I am Not a Dictator - Says Obama: He has only to open his mouth and he condemns himself. He should be IMPEACHED NOW (15.30)
3.Imminant Global Earthquake Signals 7 Trumpets 4.EMP can come from the Sun or nations or individuals, who possess the technology. Do you know how to protect your family and yourself? It’s quite long but correct knowledge may save many lives. Grace and Peace,Norman Green-Price