So, after sleeping quite a bit yesterday and missing a chance at going to hooters because my friends are insensitive jerks and dealing with the fact I was so angry that I slept almost fifteen hours away... yeah. I'm doing better now. Still so very pissed. The dog is gone, he was put down earlier this afternoon. So furious right now.
Mmn, I'm getting into pixel dolling again. I'd forgotten how relaxing it was to sit and just create instead of freak out over the fact that spaceship I made is somehow colliding with the ground when the camera behind it ISN'T. Silly Maya 2008, you're so stupid. Ah well, I probably messed up the animated tracking. *shrug*
Going to change the layout on my profile, going to see if it'll accept IFRAMEs... fucking LJ. XD; LOL
Here's one of the few images that are going to be featured on it.
Base (c)
InsidDoll (c) Me.
Yes, it's sexy Suzaku in his pilot suit... This took about four hours, and I'm happy with the end results. And very very very happy I didn't use the gray palette, instead opting for the blue palette instead. Very nice. :) ♥
Anyone else have any requests as to who else should be in my profile? So far I've got:
♥ Suzaku
♥ Lelouch
♥ Original Character, Luc
♥ Myself
lol Or is that enough? Anyway, off to work on Lelouch and Luc. :) I'm online pretty much all day.. no classes, and I'll periodically be moving shit to my room but.. lol Yeah. ♥