Title: Vandalism
Author: Lea
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Billie/Jason White, implied Billie/Balducci
Disclaimer: I do not own Green Day or The Network.
Author’s notes: Vandalism is for
the_fink under the prompt ‘vandalism’ as requested by him for the alphabet meme.
Jason stares in disbelief at the carnage, the vandalism before him. Chunks of icing and sponge smear the table and the man sitting smirking in the middle of it.
But that’s not the first thing he notices.
Billie brings a hand up to his face and slowly licks icing off his fingers. “Happy Birthday.” He stands up on slender, swaying legs, uncaring about his nudity. The destroyed cake clings to Billie’s body. A streak of icing covers his chest.
Jason laughs quietly. “So this is my surprise. Nice.” He approaches, the mess on Billie staining his shirt, Billie’s small, caked fingers wrapping into his curls. A wicked tongue laps flicks around the edges of his mouth before pulling away, and Billie points at his thigh.
To a tattoo that Billie doesn’t have.
It says 'Svengali'.
It’s small, but it’s there. Jason pushes ‘Billie’ away, starting to panic because this is Fink and fuck knows what he’s thinking - “Where is he, Fink?” He moves back against the wall as Fink corners him like a caged animal.
There’s laughter, mischievous but not quite evil laughter, in Fink’s green eyes, and he presses his black lips (and Jason only thought Billie had put on make-up, oh God,) against Jason’s, pulls away. “Let’s just say… Balducci is having an excellent birthday, sweetheart.”
And the devil laughs.
In a place nearby, but not near enough for Jason to find them, a man dressed in purple slowly unwraps his present, starting with the studded belt.
It’s the best birthday present he’s ever had.