"MI-5 don't do evil; just treachery, treason and armageddon."

Jun 13, 2012 02:36

It's small fandom month on crack_van, and some silly insane person is recommending for Spooks / MI-5 for the first time.

For posterity, here's a link to the fandom overview.

Oh, yeah, that silly person doing the recs is me. It's a strange process, because I wonder how anyone (i.e. me) can be any sort of authority on this fandom when I've only been in it for six months, and the only selection criteria was volunteering. So I worry about the usual sort of stuff, hoping that I haven't missed anything really spectacular and won't offend anyone by having completely missed their awesome work. There's a whole gigantic genre (Ruth/Harry stories) that I haven't read and to be honest will not be able to read this month. There are stories I love and won't rec, because I don't want to rec more than one story per author.

But, hey, there are bigger problems out there, and if just one new reader finds a story s/he likes, I'll feel like I've paid back something for all the stories I've found through crack_van. I mean well, really I do.

And if you're stopping by because of crack_van, hope you'll let me know any comments, suggestions, or story recs!

crack_van, mi-5, spooks

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