Fandom. Yeah, I sort of remember that thing.
No seriously, I am proud to announce that I have continued my time-honored tradition of rediscovering a fandom a year late and a departed actor short. This time it's Doctor Who. Yes, count me among those few, proud American viewers who learned to program their VCR's (in the days way before on screen menus let alone VCR plus and we're not even going to discuss TIVO) taping Doctor Who. And then first tasted the bitter fruit of fandom when the local PBS affiliate cancelled the flippin' show. But no, I did not become bitter, even when Fox went and made a truly awful TV movie and I, deeply immersed in surviving a summer internship on no TV and limited grocery budget, completely missed the damn thing. (From everything I have heard, this is probably a really, really good thing.)
Now that I have seen the new series, can I just say how glad I am that every time I think there is no hope for the human race, something like this happens? Because to my fever imagination the original show was not only well and truly cancelled, but well and truly dead, totally written off in the public consciousness as fifty odd geeky fanboys in long scarves and fake British accents. (Well, technically, not even existing in the public consciousness around here.) And now, I swear, it's like the second coming of Buffy, if she were Giles, and alien, and had good ratings everywhere except the US. Because (and I never would have believed this in my wildest dreams), the show is actually good.
Christopher Eccleston. Are there words for his awesomeness? I didn't think so.
In short: I love you, Who. But not Yoohoo, because that stuff is gross.