Fuck this. Fuck me. Fuck my life.

Aug 16, 2011 11:44

So my tenants robbed me of a number of my electronics and broke some stuff (including punching a hole through one of the doors).  I wish I had gone with my gut on this one and stuck with not letting them stay there.  It's not like I ever saw a penny of rent.  I'm only half an idiot, at least, and I reported it to the police and started the renter's insurance claims process.  Still, I hate this.

Between how my last memory of this place was my cat dying (the blood and such on the sheets still makes me feel all kinds of bad whenever I think about it too much), and coming back to find that I've been stolen from, I kind of want to go somewhere else and start over.   Maybe to a new apartment, maybe to a new place.  Everything here feels unpleasant and tainted in a way... conflict, loss, stress, all that.  If it weren't for one more year of law school, I probably would be considering absconding to Seattle right now.

At least I finished my paper last night.   I can't sleep now, though.  Maybe I should leave the house.  I probably shouldn't go talk to Borenstein about helping to investigate the JRC in my current state, but... I don't know, maybe I could ask the Registrar for advice on a couple of things schedule-wise.  I'm thinking of changing some things up, after all.

So much for coming home to relax.

me being stupid, robbed, fuck my life

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