Castle + HIMYM gibbering.

Sep 21, 2010 18:26

SO THERE IS NEW TV. Yes, I am excited. Yes, I spend a lot of time rolling my eyes and not watching TV because there is so much not-interestingness on nowadays, but goddamn, I love me some HIMYM and some Castle and I am excited for the new seasons.

How I Met Your Mother: Big Days

So I am one of the many (emphasis on 'many') people who was disappointed in last season. Violently. Tragically. BrOTPishly. With rolled eyes and grumbling and spastic movements.

The premiere wasn't perfect. As far as season openers go, it wasn't the best. But it was good, and most importantly in my mind, it has a much more traditional 'HIMYM' feel to it. It actually gave me some hope, when I was ready to keep a Leo-esque squint in C&B's direction. Mostly because the characters actually seemed to be more themselves again, there was actual plot that will last beyond the length of the episode, and it amused me. Not the full out cackling that HIMYM gives me when it's at its best, but still.

And NGL, I think Rachel Bilson is gorgeous and I love any chance to see her again that aren't in my fantasies. I'm happy that Cindy ends up in an adorable, happy future.

It was a traditional HIMYM story in a lot of ways -- Lily and Marshall dealing with part of their journey as a married couple, Ted dealing with his fruitless quest and inevitable failure to land a lady, Barney being awesome and Robin being hot. I mean, they didn't go too far out of the box.

But we got the wedding. THE WEDDING. While the initial part of me was all "Barney. Robin. Altar. Now, bitchez", it's gonna end up being someone else. I'm betting Ted's dad or Heather, but quite possibly one of their outside, secondary character friends. Dunno. Whatever, it gave me a moment of glee, and I feel like the season is gonna be structured around the context of this future wedding. In some ways that's a minor change, just a tease, I do think it feels like progress. I felt closer to the mother, to wrapping up this tale, than ever. And I'm normally the one feeling a little used at the ankles and umbrellas that are so much without being anything at all.

Barney's voice when he was telling Robin she was hot, that she sundressed up... there was a sweetness and affection that I always associate with genuine Barney. And it did more for me as a Barney/Robin fan than a lot of the relationship plotlines for them last season ever did. Their moments were small but lovely and a return to their characters.

Also, Robin's telling Ted she was gonna try to sleep with him? Hilarious. And I normally am hateful of the Robin/Ted beating-the-dead-horse moments, but it was funny.

And hey, the Marshall/Lily storyline was good. Marshall's dad was hilarious and creepy, his telling everyone was more funny than let-me-punch-you-in-the-face-Marshall. I still feel like often Lily has very legit and important concerns about Marshall making decisions for them without consulting her and it pisses me off when it's always written off at the end of the episode, where somehow Marshall comes out as right and Lily's concerns as wrong for whatever moralistic reason. It bugs the shit out of me, so that was a tad of a downer for me.

And Ted... well. We'll see. Me and Ted, complex relationship there.


Castle: A Deadly Affair

OMG RYAN AND ESPOSITO RYAN AND ESPOSITO. I love them. I love them the most. I realized that this summer when stories I was working on kept being all 'and then Ryan and Esposito WERE AWESOME'. I should probably actually just write a thing about them, because damn. I love their loyalty to Beckett and their pissed offness about Castle, I loved their standoffishness.

YOU BETTER BEG TO GET THOSE BOYS ON YOUR SIDE AGAIN, RICK. I love Castle and Nathan Fillion to pieces, but I just *hurt* for Beckett in a lot of ways and after Castle didn't call, I was pleased every time she got to slap some cuffs on him or pull a gun. The bitter 13 year old girl in me wanted a little more retribution for her.

...I'm starting to understand why I grew to love Anya so much on Buffy. More and more, I'm realizing I should probably be a vengeance demon. WOMAN SCORNED, BRING IT.

But Beckett's little smiles, her letting Castle win... It was cute. I wish he had to work a little harder for it, do a little more, because not calling... Hell no.

And again. Ryan. Esposito. Chairs. God, I love them.

episodes, himym, castle

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